From the New Jersey Law Journal December 17, 2007. N.J. Ends Capital Punishment, Commutes All Death Sentences Michael Booth 12-17-2007 A quarter-century after it was reinstated and without it ever being used, New Jersey’s death penalty is repealed” Gov. Jon Corzine on Monday signed legislation that eliminates capital punishment as…
Articles Posted in Criminal Law and Justice
New Jersey Nears Repeal of Death Penalty
The New Jersey Senate voted Monday December 10 to make the state the first in the country to repeal the death penalty since 1976, when the United States Supreme Court set guidelines for the nation’s current system of capital punishment. Legislators on both sides of the debate said they expected…
Lessons Learned: New York Leads in the Number of Wrongful Convictions But Lags in Policy Reforms That Can Prevent Them
A Report of the Innocence Project. Benjamin Cordozo Law School of Yeshiva University, October 18, 2007: “New York State Not Doing Enough to Prevent Wrongful Convictions, Report Says …exonerated through DNA evidence. The report…director of the Innocence Project, a legal clinic…frequently used for DNA analysis. But in…evidence stored in DNA…
California Law Bans Forced RFID Tagging
From:, October 15, 2007 October 15, 2007 By Renee Boucher Ferguson It’s illegal now for California employers to force anyone to have an RFID device implanted under his or her skin as a condition of receiving something-such as a paycheck or government benefits. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Senate Bill…
Torture’s Paper Trail
Source: FindLaw Legal News and Commentary. By JOANNE MARINER, Terrorism and Counterrorism Director at Human Rights Watch. —- Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2007 Last week, the New York Times published a front-page article describing two legal memoranda issued secretly by the Bush Administration in 2005 that purported to provide guidance regarding…
Researchers: Hackers Could Affect Presidential Election
Source: Washkuch, Frank Jr., “Researchers: Hackers Could Affect Presidential Election”, SC Magazine Newswire. October 9, 2007. BY Frank Washkuch Jr. Hackers could affect next year’s presidential election by using keyloggers, phishing messages or hacking, researchers said this week. Attackers could also usher in a high-tech version of voter harassment, using…
Domestic Violence and Youth at Risk
Each quarterly issue of the Judges Journal , the official publication of the Judicial Division, American Bar Association, emphasizes a particular theme of interest and concern to the judiciary. The Summer 2007 issue, Volume 46 Number 3 is devoted primarily to matters related to domestic violence and youth at risk.…
Law, The Brain and DSM
David Badertscher Usually four times a year I make a presentation to Psychiatric Fellows associated with our forensic psychiatric clinic. In these presentations I discuss updated reference sources including databases, and review with them various searching and other techniques useful in their research. When preparing for an upcoming session I…