
Articles Posted in Criminal Law and Justice


Book Review: Cross Examination Handbook: Persuasion, Strategies, and Techniques

We are pleased to presnet the following review of Cross Examination Handbook: Persuasion, Strategies and Techniques by Ronald H. Clark and others as acknowledged below. The review was prepared by our Senior Law Librarian for Public Access, Theodore Pollack Title: Cross-Examination Handbook: Persuasion, Strategies, and Techniques Author: Ronald H. Clark,…


New BJS Study: U.S. Prison – Probation – Parole Population Drops in 2009

A recently released U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics Study presents data on the number of adults under some form of correctional supervision at the end of the year 2009. The Report discussing the Study was released on December 21, 2010; it is part of the Correctional Population of the United…


Library Announcement: Online Access to Temporary Comission on Revision of New York Penal Law and Criminal Code (1961-1970) Papers Held by Library

David Badertscher The New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library (New York County) is pleased to announce a major enhancement regarding access to those Temporary Commission on Revision of New York Penal Law and Criminal Code (1961-1970) papers held by the New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library (New York…


Two Book Reviews – One Author – Ron Arons

Until a few weeks ago before receiving a telephone call I had never heard of Ron Arons. During that call Mr. Arons explained that he had been following postings on this blog and wondered if I would be interested in reviewing two of his books. After some discussion I agreed…


Findlaw Case Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure 43

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw November 8-12 2010. United States Fourth Circuit, 11/12/2010 US v. Ide, No. 09-4833 District court’s grant of government’s petition to revoke defendant’s term of supervised release originally imposed in May 2002 as…


Crime Related Story Ideas*

October 20, 2010 October 20, 2010 Computer Expert Pleads Guilty to Hacker Stock Scheme (Bloomberg) An Arizona computer specialist who did time in prison for his role in an Internet stock-fraud scheme pleaded guilty in New Jersey today to a similar scam. ———————————————————————— October 20, 2010 Cop acquitted of…


Social Media are Affecting the Way We Hear About Death: Police Grapple With Issue

On social media bad news spreads quickly. When off-duty Baltimore Police Detective Brian Stevenson was killed Saturday night after being struck in the head by a piece of concrete, word spread quickly through police circles and spilled onto Facebook, where the officer’s young daughter learned of his death before relatives…


New York: Report of Preliminary Impact of 2009 Rockefeller Drug Law Reform

October 2009 – September 2010. Issued October 2010 New York State fully implemented changes to its drug laws on October 7, 2009. This report provides a preliminary update of the impact during the first year. More comprehensive reports will be issued in the coming months. The preliminary review shows that…


Findlaw Case Summaries: Criminal Law and Procedure 42

To view the full-text of cases you must sign in to All summaries are produced by Findlaw October 11-15 2010. United States First Circuit, 10/11/2010 US v. Brown Defendant’s conviction for possession of cocaine base with intent to distribute is affirmed where: 1) although the district court’s factual findings…


U.S. Justice Department is Continuing its Anti Corruption Campaign

In the October 15, 2010 Wall Street Journal, Dionne Searcey reports that “after numerous record-shattering fines and executive prosecutions in recent years, the government’s crackdown on violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act shows no signs of slowing. So far this year, the U.S. Justice Department has carried out a…

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