
Articles Posted in Information Technology


Global Business Law Conference: Frankfurt Germany May 29-30, 2008

ABA Section on Business Law Specialized Cyberspace and Technology Programming Sponsored by: Committee on Cyberspace Law Web 2.0: Wikis, Blogs, Mash-Ups and Avatars; or, The Explosion of User Generated Content and the Legal Challenges That Arise – Data Security Breach Incidents: The Law in the E.U., U.S. and Globally and…


Paperless Progress

BY Keith Ecker FROM: InsiderCounsel Magazine April 2008 Issue Excerpt: “Many lawyers believe the nature of their profession necessitates the hoarding of paper-a lot of paper-a misconception that through time has made them the enemy of tree”… “Thanks to the advent of certain technologies, in-house counsel don’t have to be…


The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It

Jonathan L. Zittrain has written an interesting, informative and innovative book titles The Future of the Internet: And How to Stop It. . I use the word “innovative” because the web version, which is available in full text at incorporates added features to engage the reader. To quote from…


10 Tips for Finding Great Web Design and Development Services

BY: Molly E. Holzschlag “Losing tens of thousands of dollars is something we all want to avoid. Yet in today’s confusing world of Web development, it’s a daily occurrence, says Web doyenne Molly Holzschlag”. “The problem, as many CIOs learn after being burned, can be solved by gaining a better…


Q&A: What is Virtual Law?

QUESTION: What is virtual law? RESPONSE: “Virtual law is like ‘Internet law,’ in that it refers to a wide body of generally preexisting law that is applied somewhat differently in a new context. In fact, much of what we think of as ‘Internet law’ applies to virtual worlds. In sum,…


CLLB Information Security Newsletter. April 2008 Volume 1, Issue 3.

April 2008 Volume 1, Issue 3 From the Desk of David Badertscher SOCIAL ENGINEERING: ARE YOU AT RISK? The term “social engineering” can be defined in various ways, relating to both physical and cyber aspects of that activity. For the purposes of the discussion in this newsletter, social engineering is…


Conference: Ninth Annual South African Online Information Meeting

The Organisation of South African Law Libraries (OSALL) is one of the sponssors and will be participating in this Conference: NINTH Southern African Online Information Meeting Tuesday 3rd of June to Thursday 5th of June 2008 CSIR Conference Centre Meiring Naude Road, Pretoria Organised by Southern African Online User Group…


WordPerfect Meets PDF, Falls in Love

The following is from TechnoLawyer Newswire,- April 16, 2008: Traditionally, the software industry presented law firms with a dilemma – single-task best-of-breed programs or easier to manage but lower quality all-in-one programs. And then came the suite, which offers best-in-class programs designed to work together. Corel’s new suite, Corel…


Six Critical Steps To Managing Electronically Stored Information

SIX CRITICAL STEPS TO MANAGING ELECTRONICALLY STORED INFORMATION “(Mark Diamond) – Litigation always, has been, and will continue to be, a reality of doing business. What is changing, however, is discovery and its focus on electronically stored information (often abbreviated ESI). Recent amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure…


Is Emerging 3-D Holographic Storage Poised to be the Next Great Archival Medium?

Writing in the April/May 2008 issue of State Tech: Technology Insights for Leaders in State and Local Government, Michele Hope concludes by writing: “Only time and a few real-world installations will tell.” Here are some excerpts from Michele’s article: FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “The first commercial holographic storage products are slated…

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