
Articles Posted in Information Technology


A Group of Internet and Media Companies Push for Principles Regarding User Generated Services to Protect Copyrights

On October 18, 2007 a coalition of major media and technology companies released a set of guidelines designed to halt online piracy. Media companies involved include CBS, NewsCorp, Fox Enertainment Group, NBC Universal, Viacom Disney, and MySpace. Google was notable absent from the list. A You Tube spokesperson who asked…


Protecting Web Based Applications from Attack or Misuse

From Citrix Systems Summary: The threat profile facing enterprise organizations has undeniably shifted from network-layer exploits to more formidable attacks against applications, primarily Web and Web services applications. This radical change has been recognized by numerous IT security vendors, which have rushed to deliver products that shield Web applications from…


30 Books Every IT Leader Must Read

By Eric Chabrow Society for Information Management’s 2008 list of leadership books covers a wide-range of subjects, except IT itself. Books ranging from How to Read a Book to The Prince are among 30 books every CIO wannabe should read, according to an annual list of must-read books issued by…


Legal Risks of Uncontrolled E-mail and Web Content

“Email’s ease of use, speed and scale of distribution make it an invaluable business tool. However, these same attributes can also cause severe difficulties for employers if employees’ use of email and internet is not controlled adequately. This white paper outlines email risks employers face and how to address them.”…


Review: Five Security Suites You May Not Know About

It seems everywhere we turn when it comes to information technology the topic sooner or later always turns to computer security. As mentioned below in this Review published on November 7, 2007 by InformationWeek, Norton and McAfee still dominate this field. The Review as posted consists of a major part…


Information Retrieval and Records Management: The 2007 Sedona Conference

Best Practices in Information Retrieval and Records Management: Analysis and Recommendations from the 2007 Sedona Conference By Steven Essig The Sedona Conference Journal, Volume 8, Fall 2007, includes much relevant commentary on possible best practices and other important concerns on effective information retrieval of legal documents. Issues raised range from…


Internet Inventor Says It Works Like a Charm

Recently a number of articles devoted to the history of technology and the internet have been published. Given the significant developments in these areas over the past 20+ years and the societal demands which continue to drive further research and development it is certainly appropriate to take some time to…


Internet Evolution: Don’t Fight the New Wave of Digital Content

Does access to social networking, video sharing, and other new media online capabilities mean wasted time, lost productivity, and possibly security concerns or are there legitimate business reasons to include them on organization web sites? Many of us are encountering these and related issues in our own organizations. Stacey Peterson,…

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