This white paper explores the emerging crimeware industry, examining web based techniques and methods being used to perpetuate cybercrime, with a focus on the business impact of these attacks. The paper also explores the benefits of real time content inspection technology as a possible solution to help secure enterprises frm…
Articles Posted in Information Technology
RFID Chips in Your Magazines
“Who’s reading magazines and how do they flip through the pages? One research company is using RFID technology to find out.” Question: What are the implications of this development, both positive and negative? Comments welcome. To read the complete article in the December 12, 2007 CIO Insider, click here.
2008 Baseline Crystal Ball for Technology
A look at what the technology in 2008 as predicted by members of the editorial staff of Baseline: 2008 Baseline Crystal Ball November 30, 2007 By Lawrence Walsh, Laton McCartney, Deborah Gage, Doug Bartholomew and Mel Duvall Lawrence M. Walsh, Editor Line of business managers and operations officers will wrestle…
Technology Triumphs and Travails of 2007
“A Look at the best and worst of the years Technology implementations and innovations” as reported by Douglas Bartholomew et. al. in the November 30, 2007 issue of Baseline: Triumphs and Travails of 2007 November 30, 2007 By Doug Bartholomew, David F. Carr, Ericka Chickowski, Mel Duvall, Deborah Gage, Laton…
Should the Web Be Changed From WWW to GGG (Giant Global Graph) ?
David Badertscher “Why we need to move from thinking about Web pages to thinking about the information on those pages.” The above quote and link refer to a recent posting by Joab Jackson in which he discusses an idea recently put forward in a posting by the “father of…
Six Techniques to Get More from the Web than Google Will Tell You
The following is from an article by Margaret Locher, published in the November 26, 2007 issue of CIO Insider. We especially call your attention to item 2 where she discusses the importance and usefulness of blogs in research: ________________________ Professional librarians and researchers will tell you that the Web has…
Sharing, Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World
As part of its mission, OCLC a worldwide library cooperative prepares in depth studies and topical surveys of issues and trends of interest and concern to all types of libraries, including law libraries. One of their latest reports addresses the topic of sharing, privacy and trust in our networked world…
A Group of Internet and Media Companies Push for Principles Regarding User Generated Services to Protect Copyrights
On October 18, 2007 a coalition of major media and technology companies released a set of guidelines designed to halt online piracy. Media companies involved include CBS, NewsCorp, Fox Enertainment Group, NBC Universal, Viacom Disney, and MySpace. Google was notable absent from the list. A You Tube spokesperson who asked…
Amazon Device Doesn’t Need Computers
The following was published as an article in the November 20, 2007 New York Times. By SAUL HANSELL Published: November 20, 2007 Jeff Bezos knows that the world is not exactly clamoring for another way to read electronic books. “If you go back in time, the landscape is littered with…
McAfee Sees Cyber Criminals Targeting Web 2.0, Windows Vista, and Online Games
McAfee Sees Cybercriminals Targeting Web 2.0, Windows Vista, and Online Games McAfee also is predicting a 50% increase in VoIP attacks in 2008, compared to this year. Click here to see complete article in the InformationWeek Daily Newsletter.