Volume3 Number 1 January 2010 From the Desk of David Badertscher As we begin the new year, it’s an opportune time to assess the cyber security landscape and prepare for what new challenges may lie ahead, as well as what current threats may continue. What Are the Cyber Trends for…
Articles Posted in Technology News
2009 End of Year Message from Internet Society President and CEO
Although addressed primarily to Internet Society members, the following message contains information which should be of interest to librarians, lawyers and other important stakeholders in the internet community who need to follow ongoing developments. Dear Members, Friends, and Colleagues, The end of 2009 is here – and what a year…
CLLB: Information Security Newsletter. Volume 2 Number 12 December 2009.
Volume 2 Number 12 December 2009. Automatic Software Updates and Patching From the Desk of David Badertscher Security vulnerabilities are flaws in the software that could allow someone to potentially compromise your system. Each year, the volume of software security vulnerabilities discovered increases, and the hacking tools available to exploit…
Voting Has Begun in the ABA Journal’s Third Annual Blawg 100
I received the following letter from the ABA Journal along with a request to send it along to our readers. I urge all of you to contribute to the Blawg 100 conversation. David Badertscher Dear Blawgger, As proprietor of one of the more than 2,500 blawgs in the ABA Journal’s…
PC Devices Connected Using Light
Since the beginning of the last century when physicists determined that light could be considered as consisting of particles (photons) as well as waves, there have been efforts, with varying degrees of success, to use light to further the development of technology and communications. One of the latest attempts as…
CLLB: Information Security Newsletter. Volume 2 Number 11 November 2009.
Volume 2 Number 11 November 2009 Online Holiday Shopping Tips From the Desk of David Badertscher Online Holiday Shopping Tips The holiday season is approaching quickly and many of us will be shopping online. comScore estimates that in one day alone last year –Cyber Monday on December 1–$846 million was…
Windows 7: Tips and Best Practices for Simplified Migration
White Paper by Nelson Reust and Danielle Reust The authors write: ” Migration to Windows 7 is a future reality for most. With XP approaching its end of life, and many organizations choosing to skip Vista as an interim step, the new Windows 7 release holds the promise of new…
Results of National Center for State Courts e-Filing Survey
Rick Snow of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) has just announced that results of the NCSC e-filing survey conducted earlier this year are available at . Also, a brief summary of the findings is available on our Court Technology Bulletin at . He writes: “We hope you find…
CLLB Information Security Newsletter. Volume 2 Number 10 October 2009.
Volume 2 Number 10 October 2009. Top Ten Cyber Security Tips From the Desk of David Badertscher October is Cyber Security Awareness Month – Our Shared Responsibility In recognition of the 2009 National Cyber Security Awareness Month, this edition of the newsletter is designed to provide you with the TOP…
CLLB Information Security Newsletter – Cyber Ethics
September 2009 Volume 2, Issue 9 Cyber Ethics From the Desk of David Badertscher What is Cyber Ethics? Cyber ethics refers to the code of responsible behavior on the Internet. Just as we are taught to act responsibly in everyday life, with lessons such as “Don’t take what doesn’t belong…