
Articles Posted in Lawyers and Law Librarians, News Humor Etc.


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 22, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 22, 2009: Trials & Litigation ‘Reply All’ Was a Mistake, Peeved Partner Tells Quinn Emanuel Associate May 19, 2009, 03:53 pm CDT Careers How a Jones Day Associate Dealt with an ‘Ornery Senior Partner’ May 19, 2009, 06:56 am CDT Lawyer Pay…


Who Were the Most Important Legal Thinkers in American Law in the Past Century?

Brian R. Leiter the John P. Wilson Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Law, Philosophy and Human Values at the University of Chicago has conducted a poll to determine who people think were the most important legal thinkers in american law in the past century. There were…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 8, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 8, 2009: Law Practice Management Downturn’s Losers: BigLaw, ‘Entitled’ Associates, Top Schools May 7, 2009, 10:12 am CDT Law Schools Blog Questions ‘Rankings Malpractice’ by Law Schools May 4, 2009, 06:49 am CDT Legal Ethics Attorney Can’t Ask 3rd Party to ‘Friend’…


Champagne Corks, Mickey Mantle & Muskets: Trials and Tribulations of Law Practice

This enertaining article, Champagne Corks, Mickey Mantle & Muskets, is a May 10, 2009 posting by Adrian M. Baron on the Nutmeg Lawer blawg which is described as a blawg “…developed to share tips on law firm marketing, legal practice, office management and anything else that might pique your interest…


ABA Teleconference; How to Sell Yourself: Developing the Perfect Pitch

Tuesday May 19, 2009. This teleconference is part of the ABA Recession Recovery Teleconference Series. Faculty will provide advice on how to strke just the right note on paper and in person to land a job. Free to ABA members. For more information click here.


Comments on How and Where to Write Better Tweets

According to C.G. Lynch’s provocative artice in the CIO Insider Newsletter,Twitter’s growing popularity is exposing a considerable “fraility” of writing among those tweet. He observes that Twitter’s 140 character message format demands concise, engaging writing “and that’s a skill that a lot of people don’t have. To read more of…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 1, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 1, 2009: Law Firms Profits Drop at 12 of 15 Top Firms Apr 30, 2009, 07:11 am CDT Law Schools Number of Students Applying to Law School Jumps 3.8 Percent Apr 29, 2009, 12:22 pm CDT Law Students Summer Associates Advised to…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. April 17, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending April 17, 2009: In-House Counsel Some Law Firm Clients Ban 1st-Years, Says Morgan Lewis Chair Apr 13, 2009, 05:49 pm CDT Law Practice Management BigLaw ‘Has Changed Forever,’ Says Womble Carlyle, Cutting Pay 10 Percent Apr 14, 2009, 06:06 pm CDT Careers Why…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. April 3, 2009. 2

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending April 3, 2009: Law Practice Management DuPont Shifts From BigLaw Model, Hires More Smaller Firms Apr 6, 2009, 07:51 pm CDT Law Firms Legal Blogger David Lat Sees Reason for Panic Apr 8, 2009, 08:39 am CDT Law Practice Management Times So Tough,…


ABA Journal Newsletter. March 27, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending March 27, 2009: Law Practice Management Why WolfBlock Didn’t Merge to Survive Mar 24, 2009, 05:58 pm CDT Law Firms March Began With Mayhem, But Blistering Layoffs Pace is Slowing Mar 26, 2009, 01:34 pm CDT But not yet stopping: 125 Laid Off…

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