
Articles Posted in Legislative Information


CRS Report: State Efforts to Deter Unauthorized Aliens – Legal Analysis of Arizona’s S.B. 1070 – Highlights

CRS Report Number 41221, July 12, 2010, Posted July 23, 2010. AUTHORS: Michael John Garcia, Kate M. Manuel, Larry M. Eig SUMMARY (From Official Report) On April 23, 2010, Arizona enacted S.B. 1070, which is designed to discourage and deter the entry or presence of aliens who lack lawful status…


Final Showdown on Health Care Legislation Set for This Weekend

House Democrats are reported to be making a final push this weekend to pass health care legislation. To that end a nearly final version of a bill, along with a report on the bill’s cost by the Congressional Budget Office, was unveiled yesterday. A final showdown regarding this legislation is…


Separation of Powers Regarding Judicial Funding in the State of Connecticut

Two days ago I posted information on this blog related to the New York Court of Appeals decision (Maron v. Silver, 16 ‘ Larabee v. Governor, 7 ; Chief Judge v. Governor, 18) addressing judicial compensation in that state within the framework of separation of powers. Today I have learned…


2011 Budget of the U.S. Government- Fact Sheets

As almost everyone knows, the 2011 U.S. Budget was submitted on February 1. Since this is such a huge budget, in terms of both bulk and scope, we have decided to limit this posting largely to links to some ” Budget Fact Sheets” prepared by the Office of Management and…


New York Governor David Paterson Presents Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2010-2011

Yesterday January 19, 2010 New York State Governor David Paterson proposed a 2010-11 Executive Budget that according to a Press Release from the Governor’s Office “makes significant spending reductions in order to eliminate a $7.4 billion deficit and institutes key reforms to put New York on the road to economic…


New York: Governors’ Programs 2009

During every session of the New York Legislature the current governor and his staff prepare bills addressing his or her objectives to be introduced directly in the legislature by the Governor. While it is assumed that legislatures in other states have similar mechanisms, this posting is only concernd with Governor’s…


New York Legislature: Chapter Law List for 2009

A List of New York State Chapter Laws Signed in 2009. Arranged in decending order. Includes Chapter Numbers, Bill Numbers and Titles To retrieve the text of any of the New York Chapter laws listed below, go to 507 S66007 KLEIN — Relates to home mortgage loans, the crime…


User Driven Enhancements to THOMAS Launched on its Fifteenth Birthday

THOMAS was launched on January 5, 1995, at the inception of the 104th Congress. The leadership of the 104th Congress directed the Library of Congress to make federal legislative information freely available to the public. Since that time THOMAS has expanded the scope of its offerings to include many features…


U.S. Senate Floor Schedule 2010

The following is the announced U.S. Senate floor schedule for 2010: Jan. 5 – Second session convenes in a pro forma session Jan. 19 – Senate reconvenes for legislative business Feb. 15-19 – Presidents Day recess March 29-April 9 – Spring/Easter recess May 31-June 4 – Memorial Day recess July…


The Continuing Quest for Health Care Reform in the U.S.

Updated to November 25, 2009 Over the past months we have posted a variety of items related to the quest for health care reform in the United States. See our last posting at “Health Care Update as of the Beginning of October 2009. The quest continues. During the last month…

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