
Articles Posted in Legislative Information


Health Care Update as of the Beginning of October 2009

Through various means, both web based and print, we are monitoring as best we can discussions related to the ongoing health care discussions. Below is an edited and excerpted version of some information we received recently from GalleryWatch in Washington, DC. We would like to share it with you. This…


Baucus Health Care Proposal: America’s Healthy Future Act 0f 2009

Today Sept. 16, 2009, Senator Max Baucus of Montana, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, released the first draft of the committee’s long awaited proposed legislation to overhaul the country’s health care system. The proposal is the result of more than a year of preparation and more than three…


What’s Happening in Your State Related to Legislation Regarding the Use of Restraints on Pregnant Women

According to the Editors of The Crime Report, the movement to ban shackling pregnant prisoners is gaining momentum. On August 26, 2009, Governor David Paterson of New York signed a bill (now NY Chapter 411 2009) banning the practice for all but the most unruly inmates. What is happening in…


Wyoming Legislature Passes Information Transparency in Government Act

In its 2009 session, the Wyoming Legislature passed the Transparency in Government Act making information as to how state funds are spent readily accessible to the public. The Act requires the creation of a public finance website by January 1, 2010. The website will provide free access to financial reports,…


Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania Announces Switch to Democratic Party

Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, a Republican since 1966, said on Tuesday April 28 that he will switch to the Decmocratic Party and will run as a Democrat in 2010, thus presenting Democrats with a possible 60th vote and the power to break Senate filibusters. Here is a link to…


New York Legislation: Update to Legislation Regarding Rockefeller Drug Law Reform

On March 30, 2009 we posted information on this blawg about the historic agreement reached by New York lawmakers regarding reform of the Rockefeller drug law. Since that time there has been significant activity related to his effort including the signing of Chapter 56 of 2009 by the Governor on…


All Charges Dropped Against Former Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska

The U.S. Justice Department moved on Wednesday April 1 to drop all charges in the case against former Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska. In a federal court on Wednesday Justice Department lawyers explained that in addition to earlier disclosures they discovered further evidence of misconduct that raised questions about the…


New York State Lawmakers Reach Historic Agreement to Reform Rockefeller Drug Law

New York Governor David Paterson, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, and Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith announced an agreement of Friday March 27 that would effectively end the harshest provisions of the New York Rockefeller Laws The Agreement ends mandatory jail for first-time and non-felony offenders. It also gives judges total…


Good Breakdown of Comparative Funding Levels Between the House and Senate Versions of the Stimulus Legislation

I was going to post something about the comparative funding levels between the House and Senate versions of the stimulus legislation, but have just learned that ProPublica has already done so on their blog. Congratulations to ProPublica for a really good posting. Here is the link.

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