
Articles Posted in Library Organization and Planning


U.S. Federal Agencies Launch Digitization Guidelines Inititiative

U.S. Federal agencies join together to define digitization guidelines. For more information see the complete posting entry on the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Washington Blawg


Haworth Press Coming Soon to Informaworld

The following is from a letter announcing that Taylor & Franis Group has recently acquired the publishing portfolio of Haworth Press: Taylor & Francis Group recently acquired the publishing portfolio of Haworth Press. I am writing to give you advance notification of our schedule for migrating the ejournals from…


New AALL SCCLL Resource Guide Number 3 is Available

State Court and County (SCCLL) is a Special Interest Group of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL): The SCCLL Resource Guide #3 is now officially published and ready to be sent out from AALL HQ. The guide to ordering is here: Guide #3, Management Essentials in the Public…


American Libraries Direct September 24, 2008

An e-newsletter of the American Library Association Trenton library plans to close all its branches A potential citywide budget deficit of as much as $28 million has led the Trenton (N.J.) Public Library to develop plans to close all four of its neighborhood branches. Library Director Kimberly Bray announced the…


Law Library of Congress: Redesigned Global Legal Monitor Launched

The following is from an announcement received from Emily Carr, Legal Reference Specialist, Law Library of Congress, on September 24, 2008. It should be of great interest to all who need to follow foreign and international developments in the law. Redesigned Global Legal Monitor Launched The Law Library of Congress…


LLAM News September 2008

Law Library Association of Maryland Newsletter No password required. Please be patient if the document takes a little while to open.


Book Review: Legacy and Legitimacy: Black Americans and the Supreme Court

TITLE: Legacy And Legitimacy SUBTITLE: Black Americans And The Supreme Court AUTHORS: Rosalee A. Clawson and Eric N. Waltenburg PUBLICATION DATE: December 2008 PUBLISHER: Temple University Press PAGE COUNT: 224 pp. ISBN: 978-1-59213-903-3 PRICE: $23.95 The U. S. Supreme Court’s Warren-era revolution in the areas of civil, individual, and privacy…


New 2008 Presidential Debates Web Site

The Commission on Presidential Debates has partnered with MySpace to create a new Web site, This site will become available in the days leading up to the first Presidential debate on September 26. The more questions submitted, the more likely a library question will be asked. This is an…


New State Bibliographies from the AALL Government Documents SIS

The GD-SIS Publications Committee is proud to announce three new bibliographies ready for purchase. 1. State Documents Bibliography: Washington, DC (series # 3-74) 2. Selective Annotated Bibliography of Delaware State Documents and Other Resources Used in Delaware Legal Research (Series # 3-73) 3. Kentucky State Documents: A Bibliography of Legal…


Support Ohio Draft Reform Bill SB 345 to Help Ohio County Law Libraries

Ohio Draft Reform Bill SB345 Increasingly, county law libraries face new challenges with regards to their funding, space and continued existence in the states with established systems. These challenges were addressed in 2005 with legislation in Ohio to cut back on funds going to county law libraries. Please take a…

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