The GD-SIS Publications Committee is proud to announce three new bibliographies ready for purchase. 1. State Documents Bibliography: Washington, DC (series # 3-74) 2. Selective Annotated Bibliography of Delaware State Documents and Other Resources Used in Delaware Legal Research (Series # 3-73) 3. Kentucky State Documents: A Bibliography of Legal…
Articles Posted in Library Organization and Planning
Support Ohio Draft Reform Bill SB 345 to Help Ohio County Law Libraries
Ohio Draft Reform Bill SB345 Increasingly, county law libraries face new challenges with regards to their funding, space and continued existence in the states with established systems. These challenges were addressed in 2005 with legislation in Ohio to cut back on funds going to county law libraries. Please take a…
Robert Pear Highlights Concerns of Loss of Federal Electronic Government Information*
One of the historic functions of libraries has been preserving and providing access to information in various media. In many ways, digitization of information has positively altered the information landscape. However, with the dynamic nature of such information, vital information preservation issues arise. In a timely September 13, 2008, New…
Highlights and Lowlights of the Mozilla Firefox 3.1, Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Web Browsers
From: Government Computer News, September 19, 2008. “InfoWorld breaks down the highlightsand the lowlightsfor the Mozilla Firefox 3.1, Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Web browsers. and lowlights of each offering and where it stands as far as a full release”.
American Libraries Direct September 10, 2008
The e-newsletter of the American Library Association*. Critics revisit library incident that paints Palin as censor “Journalists and bloggers scrutinizing Sarah Palin’s record of public service have made national news out of a 1996 library incident in Wasilla, Alaska, where the Republican vice-presidential nominee was then mayor. The story that…
A First Look at Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2
From: eWeek Emerging, Technologies August 29, 2008 Slide show: First Look: IE 8 Beta 2 By Jim Rapoza August 29, 2008 “Despite its market dominance, Internet Explorer has been in many ways the browser that was left behind. Beta 2 of IE 8 shows promise with strong privacy controls and…
Sharing Microsoft Files the Easy Way
From: CIO Insider, Posting by Esther Schindler, August 26, 2008. Sharing Microsoft Office Files the Easy Way: A Five Minute Productivity Tip “Need to create a report or presentation with the input of several people? Don’t e-mail that large file to all the participants. Microsoft Office makes it simple to…
Wiley Blackwell Publication: Philosophy & Public Affairs
Among the issues of public concern with a philosophical dimenion addressed in some of the articles published in Philosophy & Public Affairs are matters related to criminal law and justice.: “Issues of public concern often have an important philosophical dimension. Philosophy & Public Affairs is published in the belief that…
Q&A: Whither Twitter?
Here are some questions and responses about Twitter. I have followed the usual practice of deleting any personal information about any of the respondents. That being said I have already found these responses very useful and would like to share them with readers of this blog. David Badertscher QUESTIONS: :…
Selections From American Libraries Direct August 13, 2008
The e-newsletter of the American Library Association ALA.* IFLA Conference showcases Québecois culture “Canada played host to the 74th World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, August 10–14, in Québec. The annual IFLA conference is the largest and most diverse international gathering of…