
Articles Posted in Library Organization and Planning


The Prennial Issue: Library Funding

The following is a question regarding alternative approaches to library funding and a summary of responses to that question. QUESTION “The perennial issue – law library funding. Beyond civil filing fees, has any law library tried other avenues for funding, for example, a portion of the attorney registration fee, or…


Law Library Journal 99, No. 4 Fall 2007

Table of Contents: ——————————————————————————– General Articles Legal Information, the Informed Citizen, and the FDLP: The Role of Academic Law Librarians in Promoting Democracy [2007-44] Tammy R. Pettinato The Queen of Chula Vista: Stories of Self-Represented Litigants and a Call for Using Cognitive Linguistics to Work with Them [2007-45] Charles R.…


Draft Report of the Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control and the AALL Official Response

View Letter from the Working Group – November 30, 2007 [PDF, 41 KB] Read Draft Final Report of the Working Group [PDF, 315 KB] The period for public comment on the report is open until December 15, 2007. Comments can be submitted via the Web site at Electronic submission…


A Librarian’s Worst Nightmare: Yahoo! Answers, Where 120 Million Users Can Be Wrong*

The following is an excerpt from a December 7, 2007 article by Jacob Liebenluft posted on Slate “When it does battle on the Web, Google rarely loses. Last year’s closure of Google Answers, however, marked a rare setback for the search giant. An even bigger shock is that Yahoo! succeeded…


Information Organization Future for Libraries

Library Technology Reports 43:6 2007 By Brad Eden Excerpts from ALA TechSource publication announcment: “As library technologists and librarians are well aware, since the advent of the Internet, the relationship between the user and his/her library has changed”. “In a world of quick-and-easy search engines and of online social networks-in…


December Newsletter for the Wisconsin State Law Library Now Available

Wsll @ Your Service, an E-publication of the Wisconsin State Law Library is now available. It contains an interesting variety of news under heading such as: What’s New, This Just in, Tech Tip in Brief, Learn @ the Law Library, and Odds & Endings. Those who are concerned about the…


Cataloging Westlaw Records: A Question of Access

STEVEN ESSIG Recently, Cassidy Cataloguing Services announced a partnership with Thomson-West that would make available to law school libraries MARC 21 cataloging records for Westlaw items. In the words of Cassidy’s Donna Rosinski-Kauz “The Cassidy-Westlaw MARC21 records collections will be an expansion of the very popular “WLX E-Treatise Collection,” which…


Cataloguing Question: Classification of Collection in K and KF Range Instead of A – JZ and L – Z

All questions and answers will remain anonymous. QUESTION “I have had a request from our Reference Department, to classify as much of our collection as possible, in the K and KF range, instead of A-JZ and L-Z. This would make our collection more browser friendly. I’d like to know how…


Cataloguing Philosophy: University of Colorado Law Library

We were happy to receive the following in an e-mail from Karen Selden and would like to share it with our readers: University of Colorado Law Library Cataloguing Philosophy Titles are catalogued into the collection of the University of Colorado Law Library to meet the Law Library Mission: The primary…

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