October 2009 In January 2009, the Library of Congress (LC) contracted with R2 Consulting LLC (R2) “to investigate and describe current approaches to the creation and distribution of MARC records in US and Canadian libraries”, with a primary focus from a primarily economics perspective on “in effect” mapping “the marketplace…
Articles Posted in Library Organization and Planning
Windows 7: Tips and Best Practices for Simplified Migration
White Paper by Nelson Reust and Danielle Reust The authors write: ” Migration to Windows 7 is a future reality for most. With XP approaching its end of life, and many organizations choosing to skip Vista as an interim step, the new Windows 7 release holds the promise of new…
Results of National Center for State Courts e-Filing Survey
Rick Snow of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) has just announced that results of the NCSC e-filing survey conducted earlier this year are available at . Also, a brief summary of the findings is available on our Court Technology Bulletin at . He writes: “We hope you find…
Sergey Brin Op-Ed Article: A Library to Last Forever
On October 9, 2009 an Op-Ed article, A LIBRARY TO LAST FOREVER, by Sergey Brin, Co-Founder and President, Technology of Google Inc. was published in the New York Times.in which he discusses Google’s rationale for their book project. For the informaation I am including in this post the two final…
History of the New York County Supreme Court Libraries
Histories of libraries are important because they help to both validate the existence of libraries and authenticate their records of service over time. This is why we are so grateful to our colleague Julie Gick for writing and granting us permission to post her meticulously researched article, HISTORY OF THE…
AACR Move Over! Here Comes RDA!
Here is the companion article to “In Appreciation of Library Catalogers and Cataloging Standards” posted by me 7/23/09. At the end of that article I wrote that I had asked Joni Cassidy to consider writing an article for this blog that woud explore RDA in greater depth. Joni agreed, I…
New on LLRX.Com August 2009
**The Government Domain: Tracking Congress 2.0 http://www.llrx.com/columns/govdomain42.htm With the 111th Congress of the United States reconvening on September 8th, e-gov expert Peggy Garvin highlights new tools and sources that enhance and expand your ability to track and monitor the action. **Re-Hashing the Hash Tag – Crowd Competition and Community Standards…
Responding to Real Time Information, Open Systems, and the Obama IT Vision
Change 2010: August 27, 2009, Washington, DC –“The Obama administration has challenged Federal information technology managers to explore more open systems,” said Arpan Patel, Director of Somat’s Information Engineering practice. “Federal managers face a compelling need to understand the differences between traditional approaches to information technology and increasingly important open…
Government, Cookies, and Federal Web Sites – Continued
After posting two articles on this Web site here and here related to the Obama administration seriously considering allowing much greater flexibility regarding the use of cookies and tracking devices on government Web sites, I thought I was finished with the topic. That is until this morning August 25 when…
CLLB Information Security Newsletter – Cookies
Volume 2 Number 8 August 2009. From the Desk of David G. Badertscher Mmmm… cookies – chocolate chip and oatmeal with raisins! Cookies are one of the most popular snacks that exist today. Did you know you can get “browser” cookies almost every time you go on the Internet? These…