
Articles Posted in Library Organization and Planning


Results from Marshall Breeding’s 2008 Library Automation Survey

In case you missed it, the results from the 2008 version of Marshall Breeding’s Library Automation Survey are available at This Survey is international in scope. There were 1,450 responses.


Upgraded Library Web Resource Announcement

State of New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library (New York County) Inspired by the recent New York Unified Court System Report Green Justice: An environmental Action Plan for the New York State Court System*, the New York Supreme Court Law Library, Criminal Term (New York County) is pleased to…


Wisconsin State Law Library Newsletter

January 2009 Happy New Year! The January 2009 issue of WSLL @ Your Service has been published at In this issue: * What’s New: Upcoming classes; WSLL now offers Wi-Fi; Program highlights services/resources for attorneys * Your Library Resolutions for 2009: A few ways WSLL can help you out…


American Libraries Direct. January 7, 2009.

The e-newsletter of the American Library Association – January 7, 2009 Selected highlights* Judge overrules Philadelphia branch closings A Philadelphia judge has ordered Mayor Michael Nutter to halt his planned closing of 11 branches of the Free Library of Philadelphia. Court of Common Pleas Judge Idee C. Fox (right) issued…


The Role of Libraries in Economic Hard Times

We received the following e-mail today from Jennifer S. Murray of the Maricopa County Superior Court Library in Arizona and would like to share it with you: For those who might be interested, I wanted to share this link to today’s Diane Rehm Show audio file on the role of…


Lesley Ellen Harris – Copyright New Media Law and E-Commerce News

The Copyright, New Media Law and E-Commerce News is prepared by copyright lawyer Lesley Ellen Harris with the help of Beth Davies. Issues are posted here in their entirety for strictly noncomercial use in accordance with guidelines stipulated by Ms. Harris.: Vol. 13, No. 1, January 5, 2009 ISSN 1489-954X…


Special Report: Toward a 21st Century Right-to-Know Agenda: Recommendations to President-elect Obama and Congress

At the beginning of 2007, the steering committee of put a spotlignt on the importance of developing recommendations for the next administration and Congress to strengthen government transparency. OMB Watch agreed to spearhead such a project and to work with the coalition and others including the AALL Government…


Haworth Journal Titles Now on Informaworld

All subscribers to journal titles published by Haworth Press should have received the following e-mail. Although it is only addressed to current subscribers, others may also be interested in this information; we are therefore posting the letter here: Dear subscriber, I am delighted to let you know that from today…


Technology: What’s Coming in 2009?

Michael Gartenberg’s predictions as reported in Computerworld – December 17. 2008. “Well, it’s that time of the year again. Time to enjoy the glow of a nice LED-backlit display and huddle with the warmth that only an overclocked PC can produce. Yep, it’s time to take a look at what’s…


Gates Foundation Awards Library Internet Grants

“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded nearly US$7 million to fund a pilot program aimed at helping public libraries in seven states get faster Internet connections, the foundation announced Thursday. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded nearly US$7 million to fund a pilot program aimed at…

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