
Articles Posted in Library Reference and Research


Recent Comments on Google and the Future of the Book

Sometimes it seems as though Google has become ubiquitous in the world of searching and may want to repeat its act in the world of books. While thinking about this, two articles, one forthcoming and one published Febrary 1 have come to our attention> The forthoming article Google and the…


New York Times: A Tool to Verify Digital Records, Even as Technology Shifts

The above titled January 27, 2009 article by John Markoff, published in the New York Times is relevant because it discusses digitization, preservation and authentication of records (and by extension information) in terms of continuously preserving these qualities in an authentic state as the underlying technology constantly changes or “shifts”…


Results from Marshall Breeding’s 2008 Library Automation Survey

In case you missed it, the results from the 2008 version of Marshall Breeding’s Library Automation Survey are available at This Survey is international in scope. There were 1,450 responses.


Recent ABA Publication Announcements. January 27, 2009.

Posted January 27, 2009. MacCarthy on Cross-Examination Terence F. MacCarthy Learn how to look good on cross, even when the witness is not cooperating. Terence MacCarthy is synonymous with effective cross-examination. For 40 years he has been the head of the Federal Defender’s Office in Chicago, and is among the…


HeinOnline: New Content Added in 2008

Last year was a busy year for our HeinOnline team at William S. Hein & Co., Inc. If you missed anything, here is a quick recap of everything they accomplished in 2008… ——————————————————————————– 8 New Library Modules In the order which they were released: (Click link to view brochure for…


Book Review: The Sodomy Cases

TITLE: The Sodomy Cases SUBTITLE: Bowers v. Hardwick and Lawrence v. Texas AUTHOR: David A. J. Richards PUBLICATION DATE: February 17, 2009 PUBLISHER: University Press of Kansas PAGE COUNT: 232 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7006-1636-7 (Cloth) 978-0-7006-1637-4 (Paper) PRICE: $35.00 (Cloth); $16.95 (Paper) NYU law professor Richards is a widely published and…


Wisconsin State Law Library Newsletter

January 2009 Happy New Year! The January 2009 issue of WSLL @ Your Service has been published at In this issue: * What’s New: Upcoming classes; WSLL now offers Wi-Fi; Program highlights services/resources for attorneys * Your Library Resolutions for 2009: A few ways WSLL can help you out…


American Libraries Direct. January 7, 2009.

The e-newsletter of the American Library Association – January 7, 2009 Selected highlights* Judge overrules Philadelphia branch closings A Philadelphia judge has ordered Mayor Michael Nutter to halt his planned closing of 11 branches of the Free Library of Philadelphia. Court of Common Pleas Judge Idee C. Fox (right) issued…


Lesley Ellen Harris – Copyright New Media Law and E-Commerce News

The Copyright, New Media Law and E-Commerce News is prepared by copyright lawyer Lesley Ellen Harris with the help of Beth Davies. Issues are posted here in their entirety for strictly noncomercial use in accordance with guidelines stipulated by Ms. Harris.: Vol. 13, No. 1, January 5, 2009 ISSN 1489-954X…

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