From: The New York City Bar Library December 15, 2008. The New York City Bar has finalized an agreement with Google and LLMC-Digital to digitize the remaining print volumes of Records & Briefs in the City Bar’s collection. This project will preserve court cases from the New York Court of…
Articles Posted in Library Reference and Research
The Lawyer’s Guide to Microsoft® Excel 2007
By John C. Tredennick ABA Publication Announcment: ——————————————————————————– “Spreadsheet programs are one of the most powerful but underutilized tools in the trial lawyer’s toolbox. John Tredennick’s concise, clear book shows you how to use spreadsheets powerfully and quickly. I believe that every litigator should be familiar with the contents of…
ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. December 5, 2008.
Week ending December 5, 2008 Top Ten Stories Law Firms Reed Smith Cuts 115 Support Staff, 11 Associates Dec 3, 2008, 05:19 pm CST Criminal Justice Reports: Murdered NYC Lawyer Victim of Jealous Stalker Dec 4, 2008, 10:34 am CST Careers Law Grad with LLM Lands Just One Job Interview…
Plum Book: United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions
The United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, commonly known as the plum book is published every four years just after the Presidential elections. It is publisned, alternately, by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Below is a…
Publication Announcement: Comparative Criminal Procedure: History, Process and Case Studies
By: Raneta Lawson Mack “This NEW work from William S. Hein & Co., Inc. will take readers one step further than other texts on the market. Most other comparative works in the area of criminal justice are primarily dedicated to the issue of reforming criminal procedure. This work, on the…
ABA Publication Announcement: Science for Lawyers
From the ABA Science and Technology Section: Science for Lawyers By Eric York Drogin, Editor “Science for Lawyers clearly explains and discusses 13 applied scientific disciplines in jargon-free language that is specifically geared toward lawyers. The book explores the definitions (what is science), the practice (what scientists do) and the…
ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. November 21, 2008.
November 21, 2008 Top Ten Stories: Law Firms DLA Piper Asks 275 Non-Equity Partners to Ante Up, Goes to 1-Tier Structure Nov 19, 2008, 05:15 pm CST Judiciary Discipline Body Removes Judge Halverson, Citing ‘Bizarre’ Staff Treatment Nov 18, 2008, 07:03 am CST Law Schools Author Blames Yale and ‘Having…
U.S. Federal Register Announces Launch of New Electronic Public Information Desk
The Federal Register has announced the launch of a new Electronic Public Information Desk to Provide free public access to public documents.* To view these documents, go to (link opens in a new window). See “View Documents on Public Inspection” (link opens in a new window) on the left…
LLAGNY / AALL Program: Authentic Legal Information in the Digital Age: Is Online Legal Information Trustworthy?
On Thursday November 6, 2008 the Law Library Association of Greater New York (LLAGNY) presented in conjunction with the Electronic Legal Information Access and Citation Committee of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) a program at the New York County Lawyers Association in New York City regarding how findings…
2009 Larry S. Hackman Research Residency Program at the New York State Archives
2009 LARRY J. HACKMAN RESEARCH RESIDENCY PROGRAM AT THE NEW YORK STATE ARCHIVES The New York State Archives and the Archives Partnership Trust announce the availability of awards for qualified applicants to conduct research using historical records at the New York State Archives. The Larry J. Hackman Research Residency Program…