Careers How Michelle Obama’s ‘Savvy Sacrifice’ Helped Her Husband Aug 25, 2008, 01:28 pm CDT “Working as an associate at a powerhouse international law firm based in Chicago, Michelle Obama had what many would have considered a dream job for a lawyer. But she gave up the Sidley Austin job…
Articles Posted in Library Reference and Research
Wiley Blackwell Publication: Philosophy & Public Affairs
Among the issues of public concern with a philosophical dimenion addressed in some of the articles published in Philosophy & Public Affairs are matters related to criminal law and justice.: “Issues of public concern often have an important philosophical dimension. Philosophy & Public Affairs is published in the belief that…
Q&A: Whither Twitter?
Here are some questions and responses about Twitter. I have followed the usual practice of deleting any personal information about any of the respondents. That being said I have already found these responses very useful and would like to share them with readers of this blog. David Badertscher QUESTIONS: :…
Book Review: Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell
TITLE: Three Generations, No Imbeciles SUBTITLE: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell AUTHOR: Paul A. Lombardo PUBLICATION DATE: October 2008 PUBLISHER: The Johns Hopkins University Press PAGE COUNT: 375 pp . ISBN-13: 978-0-8018-9010-9 ISBN-10: 0-8018-9010-1 PRICE: $29.95 Lombardo is an activist law professor who traces a seminal 1927…
Selections From American Libraries Direct August 13, 2008
The e-newsletter of the American Library Association ALA.* IFLA Conference showcases Québecois culture “Canada played host to the 74th World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, August 10–14, in Québec. The annual IFLA conference is the largest and most diverse international gathering of…
Why Should We Care What NCJRS Stands For?
Anne Skove and her group who publish the Court-o-Rama. org (otherwise known as the “least dangerous blog”) have reminded us once again in a August 3 posting just how useful NCJRS is as an information and research source for a wide range of criminal justice related information. Below is an…
Changes in the New York Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
From: News from the New York State Archives, Region 1, August 2008 Changes in FOIL: The New York State Legislature has changed New York’s freedom of information law (FOIL). Below are some of the changes to the law which may affect how you manage your government’s records and information! The…
Recent ABA Publication Announcements. Available in August 2008.
Electronic Evidence: Law and Practice, Second Edition Paul R. Rice ——————————————————————————– Available in August 2008 “Electronic Evidence: Law and Practice explores the range of problems encountered with electronic communications from discovery to trial, and offers practical solutions to both existing and potential problems. It examines (1) the new discovery rules…
Selections from American Libraries Direct. July 23, 2008. 2
The eNewsletter of the American Library Association (ALA): July 23, 2008. Child Online Protection Act gets third strike “After a decade of federal litigation and two decisions that were returned to lower courts from the Supreme Court for further review, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals July 22 unanimously declared…
Some Recent Announcements of ABA Publications
The following are from recent announcements received by the New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library of American Bar Association Publications : Advising the Small Business: Forms and Advice for the Legal Practitioner By Jean L. Batman “This book will help you identify issues that small businesses often encounter and…