
Articles Posted in Library Reference and Research


State Security Breach Notification Legislation: State Laws Chart

The following link is to a Chart prepared by Perkins Cole to provide information regarding information security breach notification legislation which has been enacted in U.S. jurisdictions. It has been updated to May 14, 2008: Chart indicating state-by-state legislation relating to information securirty breach notification as of 5-14-08


Recent ABA Publications and Book Announcements

The FTC Franchise Rule: Analysis and Commentary Susan Grueneberg and Ann Hurwitz, Editors Available at the end of May! “The FTC Franchise Rule: Analysis and Commentary is an analytical tool and comprehensive, practical guide for franchise law practitioners, including “old hands” and those who are new to the practice of…


Electronic Hein Sites 05-16-08

Dahl’s Law Dictionary: French-English Third Edition By: Henry Saint Dahl & Tamera Boudreau “The newest edition of this exceptional tool for legal professionals is now available! Dahl’s Law Dictionary links two separate languages and two diverse legal systems, assuring that attorneys never use the wrong name or term. The third…


Harvard Law School Faculty Approves Open Access Policy for Scholarly Publications

The May 13, 2008 issue of the Library Journal Academic Newswire reports that Harvard University Law School (HLS) has adopted an open access policy for making its scholarly publications available online. Quoting from the Academic Newswire report: “The Harvard University Law School (HLS) faculty last week followed the lead of…


AALL Presents the Joseph L. Andrews Bibliographical Award to Edward Grosek*

AALL presents the Joseph L. Andrews Bibliographical Award to Edward Grosek for his work, The Secret Treaties of History. As the title states, the book indexes treaties that nations entered into secretly. Some treaties trace back as early as 499 A.D. The result of the longtime effort of Grosek, this…


Book Review: On The Laps of Gods: The Summer of 1919 and the Struggle for Justice that Remade a Nation

From time to time we hope to post book reviews on this blog. Philip Blue our Senior Law Librarian has just written a very interesting review of a fascinating book. We hope you enjoy both the review and the book: TITLE: ON THE LAPS OF GODS SUBTITLE: The Red Summer…


AALL State-by-State Survey and Report on Authentication of Online Legal Resources

An Introduction* David Badertscher How trustworthy are state-level primary legal resources on the Web? The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) published the State-by-State Report on Authentication of Online Legal Resources (Authentication Report) that answers this very important and timely question. The comprehensive report examines and draws conclusions from the…


Web Based Services at the New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library, New York County*

by: David Badertscher For those who have not visited us, the New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library of New York County (sometimes referred to as the New York Criminal Law Library) is located in lower Manhattan near the Brooklyn Bridge, City Hall, and State and Federal courthouses. Like other…


Results of Survey: Library Use of E-Books

Primary Research Group has published Library Use of E-books, 2008-09 Edition, (isbn 1-57440-101-7) and would like to share some of the results. * Data in the report is based on a survey of 75 academic, public and special libraries.. Librarians detail their plans on how they plan to develop their…

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