
Articles Posted in Library Technical Services


AALL: Technical Services Law Libraries Newsletter

March 2009 Volume 34 Number 3. The March 2009 TSLL issue is published and now available for your viewing. Check out the current news. See My thanks to Courtney Selby, Robert Bratton, and Karen Douglas who have stepped up and volunteered to write TSLL columns beginning in June. So,…


Legal Division Quarterly: The Winter/Spring 2009 Issue

The Legal Division Quarterly is the Newsletter of the Legal Division of the Special Libraries Association: The 2009 Winter/Spring issue of the Legal Division Quarterly is now online at: In this issue: Get Your Intranet Engines Started David Whelan Editor’s Notes Liz Smith From the Board Room Martha Foote…


Court Law Library Online (CeLLO)

The New York Appellate Division Fourth Department Law Library has just announced in the Spring 2009 issue of their Law Library Newsletter rolling the introduction of a new online catalog. It will be rolled out during the month of March. The move to a new system was prompted by the…


Ribert Richards Updates Legal Information Systems & Legal Informatics Resources

Legal Information Systems & Legal Informatics Resources, , has been updated with new content. This site aggregates resources of interest to those conducting research on legal information systems. Materials listed include the following: • Articles, Preprints, Journals, Blogs, and Indexes • Conferences and Conference Proceedings • Dissertations & Theses…


New Online Journal: Legal Information and Technology eJournal

Georgia K. Briscoe* of the University of Colorado School of Law Library has sent the following announcement which we are please to post here for the benefit of all law librarians and perhaps some others as well. Here is her announcement: In case you haven’t heard, there is a new…


New Web Based Pathfinder for Creating Metadata for Digital Legal Materials

Rob Richards an in independent law librarian and legal information consultant based in Philadelphia has pub together a Website listing resources useful in creating metadata for digital legal materials . According to Mr. Richards, “the site is intended for use by researchers studying legal information systems and by librarians building…


Brief Summary of American Library Association Midwinter MARBI Meetings

George Prager, Head of Cataloging at New York University Law School Library has sent his summary of the ALA Midwinter MARBI meetings to members of the American Association of Law Libraries Technical Services Special Interest Group. With his permission I am also posting it here along with his opening comments:…


Seeking a Consultant to Assess a Law School Library’s Collection and to Develop an Acquisition Strategy

Charlotte School of Law would like to assess its library collection and subsequently develop an acquisition strategy. At this initial stage, we’re seeking qualified consultants who can respond to a more detailed RFP after signing a confidentiality agreement. Objective Our objective is to assess the library collection and to develop…


Results from Marshall Breeding’s 2008 Library Automation Survey

In case you missed it, the results from the 2008 version of Marshall Breeding’s Library Automation Survey are available at This Survey is international in scope. There were 1,450 responses.

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