
Articles Posted in News from Organizations


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 29, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 29, 2009: Layoffs 2009’s Toll: More Than 10,000 Law Firm Layoffs and Lower Pay Trend May 28, 2009, 10:43 am CDT Law Firms Ex-Sidley Associate Pens Tell-All Memoir of China Sexcapades May 27, 2009, 09:28 am CDT Law Practice Management Mayer Brown…


Violence Against Women Act Courts Program: Input Needed

From Brenda k. Uekert, Senior Research Associate, National Center for State Courts: The Court Training and Improvements Program (Courts Program) was created by the Violence Against Women Act of 2005. The specific criteria that will be used to solicit proposals for the Courts Program is currently being considered by the…


Elder Abuse Training – Tuition Free: Addressing Abuse as America Ages

The National District Attorneys Association/National College of District Attorneys (NDAA), the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL), and the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice (OVW), are pleased to announce a training opportunity on elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The conference, Addressing Abuse as America…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 15, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 15, 2009: Law Firms Did ‘Financial Insanity’ and ‘Greedy Lawyers’ Doom WolfBlock? May 14, 2009, 09:07 am CDT Law Firms Some 2010 Summer Associate Programs Are Being Axed or Scaled Back May 13, 2009, 08:40 am CDT Plus: Some Deferred Start Dates…


Report of New York State Inspector General Investigating Allegations Related to the NY Commission on Public Integrity

A Report of the New York State Inspector General, Joseph Fisch, released on May 13, 2009 concluded that Herbert Titelbaum Executive Director of the New York State Council on Public Integrity and a close friend exchanged at least 165 phone calls and held regular dinners over a five month period…


ABA Teleconference; How to Sell Yourself: Developing the Perfect Pitch

Tuesday May 19, 2009. This teleconference is part of the ABA Recession Recovery Teleconference Series. Faculty will provide advice on how to strke just the right note on paper and in person to land a job. Free to ABA members. For more information click here.


Amazon Has Now Released the Latest Version of It’s Wireless eBook Reader: Kindle DX

Amazon has now released Kindle DX, a larger, more versatile veriion of its wireless Kindle ebook device. The new DX version has a larger display and a screen which rotates from portrait to landscape to view Web pages and spreadsheets, etc. Kindle DX and other wireless ebook reading devices certainly…


U.S. Said To Halt Program in New York to Detect Biological Attacks

Spencer S. Hsu writes in the May 7, 2009 Washington Post that according to U.S. officials “the Department of Homeland Security is dismanteling a next generation biological attack warning system in New York City subways because of technical problems. Click here to see entire article.


University of Maryland Law School Movie Wins National ABA Award

“The Response”, a movie based on an actual transcript of a military tribunal hearing at Guantanamo Bay, has been selected by the American Bar Association (ABA) as the 2009 ABA Silver Gavel Award winner for “drama and literature”. It was made in collaboration with the University of Maryland School of…


Key Facts and Commentary About Swine Influenza (Swine Flu)

As you undoubtedly have heard, a new strain of influenza called Swine Flu or Swine Influenza apparently started about a month ago in Mexico. It has now spread, first to at least a few states in the United States and now may be spreading world wide. Art Bernardino who provides…

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