
Articles Posted in News from Organizations


LexisNexis Announces Public Availability of Personalized AI Assistant Protégé

From a Legaltech News posting by Benjamin Joyner , January 27, 2025. “LexisNexis {has] announced the general availability of Protégé, a personalized artificial intelligence assistant for legal work. The release follows last August’s announcement of Protégé’s commercial preview, which allowed several dozen customers to beta test the product.” “The new…


News Briefs and Summaries From NJSBA, January 27, 2025

These News Briefs and Decision Summaries are from  the  the New Jersey State Bar Association. They are an exclusive benefit of the Association in partnership with the New Jersey Law Journal. A subscription may be necessary to access the full text of some of the items listed NEWS BRIEFS: Gibbons Reps Asylum…


Reactions to Trumps First Days as a Second Term President: Perspectives from the Right and Left

President Donald Trump’s second term began with a whirlwind of executive actions, sparking sharply divided reactions from the left and right. While Trump’s policies focused on immigration, energy, federal employment, and high-profile pardons, the responses have highlighted ideological divides: The Right’s Perspective: Many on the right criticized Trump’s sweeping pardons…


News Briefs and Summaries from NJSBA, January 24, 2025

These News Briefs and Decision Summaries are from  the  the New Jersey State Bar Association. They are an exclusive benefit of the Association in partnership with the New Jersey Law Journal. A subscription may be necessary to access the full text of some of the items listed: NEWS BRIEFS: NJ Supreme Court…


U.S. Demographic Outlook 2025-2055: Population Projections

In  a January 13, 2025 Report, The Demographic Outlook: 2025-2055, Congressional Budget Office projects, the U.S. population will increase from 350 million people in 2025 to 372 million in 2055, and the average age will also rise. Beginning in 2033, annual deaths will exceed annual births, and net immigration accounts…


An Introduction to the Congressional Budget Office

Learn more about CBO’s work and its processes in the below publication that is typically updated at the start of each Congress. Publication Summary: Lawmakers created the Congressional Budget Office to help the Congress play a stronger role in budget matters. CBO was established by the Congressional Budget Act of…


News Briefs and Decision Summaries from NJSBA, January 7, 2025

These News Briefs and Decision Summaries are from  the  the New Jersey State Bar Association. They are an exclusive benefit of the Association in partnership with the New Jersey Law Journal. A subscription may be necessary to access the full text of some of the items listed: NEWS BRIEFS: Tensions Run High…


News Briefs and Summaries from NJSBA, January 3, 2025

These News Briefs and Decision Summaries are from  the  the New Jersey State Bar Association. They are an exclusive benefit of the Association in partnership with the New Jersey Law Journal. A subscription may be necessary to access the full text of some of the items listed: NEWS BRIEFS: Lawyers on TikTok…


ABA: Senior Lawyers Roundup

From  the Senior Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association: National Town Hall on Scams and Older Adults Watch an update on scams targeting elders sponsored by CFPB, FDIC and AARP. Learn why scams are successful and why they can happen to anyone. Hear about the real-life experience of a…


News Briefs and Summaries from the NJSBA, January 2, 2025

These News Briefs and Decision Summaries are from  the  the New Jersey State Bar Association. They are an exclusive benefit of the Association in partnership with the New Jersey Law Journal. A subscription may be necessary to access the full text of some of the items listed: NEWS BRIEFS: Battles Won, Others…

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