
Articles Posted in News from Organizations


Regisration for Web 2.0 Challenge

Bonnie Shucha has asked us to “spead the word” about the exciting Web 2.0 Challenge that is being sponsored by the Computer Services Special Interest Group of the American Association of Law Libraries. We are happy to do so. Here is part of Bonnie’s announcement: Are you interested in learning…


Hard Straight: Award Winning Documentary on Parolees’ “Time on the Outside”

From Goro Toshima: I wanted to alert you to my award-winning documentary, A Hard Straight, which shows what it’s really like to make the radical transition from prison life to society, by following the post-release stories of three people in close and unflinching detail … …One spent his childhood in…


Microsoft’s Top Ten Innovationss by James Rapoza

” Let’s face it, during the reign of Bill Gates, Microsoft hasn’t exactly been Xerox Parc when it comes to inventing and creating new technologies. For the most part, Microsoft has been content to buy or copy new technologies and focus on incremental improvements to its products. But that doesn’t…


Conference: Court Leadership and Self Represented Litigation: Solutions for Access, Effectiveness and Efficiency

Self-Represented Litigation Network Leadership Package Launch Conference Baltimore MD, September 8-10, 2008 In September 2008, the Self-Represented Litigation Network will be launching its leadership package entitled: Court Leadership and Self-Represented Litigation Solutions for Access, Effectiveness, and Efficiency. Following the model of last years successful judicial conference at Harvard, the launch,…


Analysis and Response – On the Record: Report of the Library of Congress Working Group and the Future of Bibliographic Control

From the Introduction: “On the Record, the report from the Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control, describes a new technological environment in which libraries have exciting opportunities for making information resources available and useful to new and demanding audiences. The Working Group has spent a year studying how…


Conference: A Reference Renaissance: Current and Future Trends

The complete program for A Reference Renaissance: Current and Future Trends is now available on the conference website. This exciting two-day event features keynote speaker David W. Lewis, Dean of the University Library at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, who will talk about Reference in the Age of Wikipedia, Or…


Deep Indexing: A New Approach to Searching Scholarly Literature*

From: “This Week’s News”, Library (May 29, 2008). Close to 200 attendees took part in a May 20 Library Journal webcast Deep Indexing: A New Approach to Searching Scholarly Literature, sponsored by ProQuest. While a majority of those participating were from the United States, librarians and electronic resource coordinators…


Harvard Professor Stuart Shieber Downplays the Role of “Revolutionary”

From: “This Week’s News”, Library (May 29, 2008). Last week, Harvard University professor Stuart Shieber made history-he was named the first director of Harvard’s newly minted Office for Scholarly Communication (OSC). In his new role, Shieber will oversee the implementation of the university’s groundbreaking open access mandate, which he…


New York Chief Judge Judith Kaye to Receive Dwight D. Opperman Award for Judicial Excellence

Judith S. Kaye, chief judge of the New York Court of Appeals, has been selected as the recipient of the Fifth Annual Dwight D. Opperman Award for Judicial Excellence. Chief Judge Kaye was chosen by a three-member panel: JudgeEllen Rosenblum, Oregon Court of Appeals; Judge Lorenzo Arredondo, Lake Circuit Court…

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