
Articles Posted in News from Organizations


ABA Conference: Stranger in a Strange Land: Cross Cultural Issues in the Courts

What does “the rule of law” mean in today’s multi-cultural society? In a growing number of cases in state and federal courts all across the country, immigrants are pleading “the cultural defense” – invoking the customs and traditions of their homelands to explain their actions. Even when it is not…


American Association of Law Libraries: Washington E-Bulletin

The January 25, 2008 issue of the AALL Washington E-bulletin is now available at Reading issues of this E-bulletin is a great way to keep abreast of issues of interest and concern to law librarians that are being discussed and debated in Washington, DC. Enjoy


News from American Libraries Direct, January 23, 3008

American Libraries Direct is the e-newsletter of the American Library Association (ALA): PARTIAL LIST OF ARTICLES: LC Working Group issues final report on bibliographic futures A Library of Congress task force has completed its mission to look at the future of cataloging and other forms of bibliographic control and recommend…


Librarian Nominations Sought for NYLINK* Achievement and Leadership Awards

We’re very pleased to announce the fourth annual Nylink Achievement Awards and the second year of the Leadership Award. The Achievement Awards provide recognition and appreciation for Nylink member institutions that make significant contributions to Nylink, library cooperation, or to library collaboration. The Leadership Award was established in 2007 to…


Beige Book: Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District

Introduction. Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts suggest that economic activity increased modestly during the survey period of mid-November through December, but at a slower pace compared with the previous survey period. Among Districts, seven reported a slight increase in activity, two reported ixed conditions, and activity in three…


Report: October 2007 OCLC Council Meeting

The following is an excerpt of a Report of the OCLC Council Meeting by Phyllis Post, Head of Technical Services at Capital University (Columbus, Ohio). Phyllis attended as an observer/representative of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL).. Speaking personnally, I am very happy to see AALL involved at this…


The 2008 Equal Justice Conference: Balancing Challenges and Opportunities

“The Equal Justice Conference brings together all components of the legal community to discuss equal justice issues as they relate to the delivery of legal services to the poor and low-income individuals in need of legal assistance. The emphasis of this Conference is on strengthening partnerships among the key players…


Homeland Security: The Real ID Final Rules Are Out

SUMMARY: 4410-10 DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Office of the Secretary 6 CFR Part 37 Docket No. DHS-2006-0030 RIN 1601-AA37 Minimum Standards for Drivers’ Licenses and Identification Cards Acceptable by Federal Agencies for Official Purposes AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DHS. ACTION: Final rule. The Department of Homeland Security is establishing…


December 2007 Content Release of HeinOnline

December 2007 Content Release The December 2007 content release added 1.4 million pages of legal information to our collections, bringing the total number of pages in HeinOnline to more than 33 million. Below are descriptions of the more prominent content that was released. Law Journal Library Trends in Law Library…

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