From the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)*. As reported by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee on June 18, 2024. Summary: S. 3757 would reauthorize and expand activities administered by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) related to research, surveillance, and awareness of congenital heart…
Articles Posted in News from Organizations
Bridging the Gap Between Law School and Legal Practice
An AALL/Bloomberg Partner Webinar. November 19, 2025 at 1:00PM (CST). “Participants will hear from research experts at Bloomberg Law as they present the survey findings and discuss how Bloomberg Law is equipping students with the necessary tools and knowledge for successful legal careers. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable…
ABA Election Resources Help Defend and Promote Democracy
A posting by American Bar Association President, William R. Ray. “Voting is a civic right and responsibility. Everyone eligible to vote should exercise that right. This is our opportunity to have a say in how our government operates. The American Bar Association encourages all to take advantage of this opportunity.…
The Digitalist Papers: Artifical Intelligence and Democracy in America, An Overview
Following the introduction of Chat GPT3.5 to the public on November 30, 2022, there have been growing concerns about how the emerging AI revolution can be utilized to reimagine and , if necessary, reinvent new technologies capable of preserving our democracy– as we enter another technological, economic, and political crossroads…
National Town Hall on Scams and Older Adults
Important announcement for seniors: Older adults, families, and professionals who work with older adults are invited to register for an action-oriented National Town Hall on scams and older adults on Wednesday, October 30, 1:00–2:00 p.m. ET. Presented jointly by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), AARP, and Federal Deposit Insurance…
An Analysis of the President’s 2025 Budget by the Congressional Budget Office
“On March 11, 2024, the Administration submitted its annual set of budgetary proposals to the Congress. In this report, the Congressional Budget Office* examines how those proposals, if enacted, would affect budgetary outcomes in relation to CBO’s most recent baseline budget projections. Those projections extend from 2024 to 2034 and…
Book Launch: Disinformation, Misinformation and Democracy
On Thursday September 19 2024, at 12:30-17:30 EDT (16:30-21:30 UTC) Columbia Global Freedom of Expression, The University of Alabama School of Law, The University of Minnesota Law School, and Columbia Law School present a book launch ‘Disinformation, Misinformation, and Democracy‘ at Columbia University in NYC. As the US presidential election approaches and half of the world’s population heads…
ABA Taskforce Report on the Impact of AI on the Practice of Law: Year 1
In August 2023, Mary Smith, President of the American Bar Association (ABA), announced the creation of the ABA Presidential Taskforce on Law and Artificial Intelligence to “bring together lawyers and judges from across the ABA to address the impact of AI on the legal profession and the practice of law.”…
New York Metro Joint Cyber Security Conference – 2024
The 2024 NY Metro Joint Cyber Security Conference will be held on September 26 from 8:30AM -5:30PM EDT, celebrating its 11th year featuring keynotes, panels and sessions aimed at educating everyone on the various aspects of information security and technology. Workshops featuring in-depth extended classroom-style educational courses to expand your…
AI Elections Accord: Tech Accord to Combat Deceptive Use of AI in 2024 Elections
The AI Elections Accord is a voluntary agreement among leading technology companies to combat the deceptive use of AI in the 2024 elections. Recognizing the potential for AI to generate highly realistic but false content, known as deepfakes, the accord aims to protect the integrity of elections worldwide. The signatories…