
Articles Posted in Publication Announcements and Reviews


Help for Haiti Earthquake Victims

In his posting on the Blog Critics Culture Blog, William Lambers explains that bloggers can help Haiti by taking action through spreading the work about the suffering in that country and by showing how others can help. Although Lambers is referring in his post primarily to the World Food Programme,…


Charting A New Course: A Blueprint for Transforming Juvenile Justice in New York State

A report prepared by New York Governor David Paterson’s Task Force on Transforming Juvenile Justice released in December 2009. It “shines a harsh light” on the problems in New York’s prisons for juvenile offenders According to this Report, ” the problems are so acute that the state agency overseeing the…


The State of Criminal Justice 2009

An American Bar Association publication sponsored by the ABA Criminal Justice Section The State of Criminal Justice 2009 “Authors from across the criminal justice field provide essays on topics ranging from white collar crime to international law to juvenile justice. This annual publication examines and reports on the major issues,…


Journal: Criminology

The Journal: Criminology is a journal, published quarterly, devoted to crime and deviant behavior. Disciplines covered include sociology, psychology, design, systems analysis, and decision theory. Major emphasis is placed on empirical research and scientific methodology. The journal’s content also includes articles which review the literature or deal with theoretical issues…


Book Review: The Ethics of Representing Organizations: Legal Fictions for Clients

Title: The Ethics of Representing Organizations: Legal Fictions For Clients Authors: Lawrence J. Fox Susan R. Martyn Publisher: Oxford University Press (New York) Date of Publication: 2009 Pages: 440 Price: $125.00 The authors (Lawrence J. Fox, a partner at Drinker Biddle & Reath, specializes in corporate and securities litigation; Susan…


ABA Criminal Justice Newsletter – Fall 2009

The American Bar Association (ABA), Criminal Justice Section has just published its Fall 2009 Newsletter, Volume 18 Issue 1 Fall 2009. This issue covers a variety of topics including: Practice Tips – Sexting: Balancing the Law and Bad Choices, Three Questions with Charles Hynes, Section Member News, New Books, News…


Book Review: Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln

Title: Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln Author: John Stauffer Publisher: Twelve (Hatchett Book Group) Price: $30.00 ISBN: 13-0978-0-446-58009-0 Pages: 432 Abraham Lincoln has been written about extensively and ranks as one of the most prolifically written about subjects in print. Frederick Douglass is a much…


New Blog: PCAN (Preservation and Conservation Administration News)

Beth Doyle and Holly Robertson have launched a new online blog devoted to preservation and conservation administration called PCAN or Preservation and Conservation Administration News. Below is the description from their site that explains what PCAN is trying to accomplish. They are very excited about this site and hope…


Report: Investigation of the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor

As has been widely reported in the news media, the State of New York Office of the Inspector General has just released its Report and Investigation of the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor. This is a Report grew out of a complaint of alleged misconduct on the part of…


New York Commission on Judicial Nominations – Proposed Revisions to Rules – July 2009

In response to criticism it received for submitting and all-male list with only one black of seven candidates to New York Governor David A. Paterson last December to fill a New York Court of Appeals opening created by the retirement of then Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye, the New York…

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