Search run on West Thomson Website on July 14, 2009. NEW PUBLICATIONS: Crown Court Index, 2009, 29th NEW This work provides an index of common penalties and formalities in cases tried on indictment… Release Date: 6/29/2009 Witness Preparation and Examination for DUI Proceedings: Leading Lawyers on Developing Questioning Strategies, Gathering……
Articles Posted in Publication Announcements and Reviews
Book Review: A Right to Discriminate?: How the Case of Boys Scouts of America v.James Dale Warped the Law of Free Association
TITLE: A Right to Discriminate? SUBTITLE: How the Case of Boy Scouts of America v. James Dale Warped the Law of Free Association AUTHOR: Andrew Koppelman with Tobias Barrington Wolff PUBLICATION DATE: July 2009 PUBLISHER: Yale University Press PAGE COUNT: 192 pp. ISBN: 978-0-300-12127-8 PROBABLE PRICE: $38.00 Koppelman (law &…
Book Review: Licensing Digital Content: A Practical Guide for Librarians
Title: Licensing Digital Content: A Practical Guide for Librarians Author: Lesley Ellen Harris Publisher: American Library Association Edition: Second Publication Date: 2009 ISBN: 978-0-8389-0992-8 Pages: 161 Price: $57.00 The author’s stated goal in writing this brief volume is to provide a primer and guide regarding digital licensing issues for librarians…
Lawyers In Your Living Room! On Television
Michael Asimow, Editor A new publication from the American Bar Association “Playing a hard-driven, unscrupulous defense attorney-turned-prosecutor in Shark was a real eye-opener for me as an actor and, more importantly, as a citizen.” — James Woods From the Foreword, Lawyers in Your Living Room From Perry Mason and The…
ABA: Focus on Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
A recent listing from ABA Publisging of books which focus on Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. Do No Wrong: Ethics for Prosecutors and Defenders By Peter A. Joy and Kevin C. McMunigal Criminal law practice is a minefield of legal ethics issues for both the prosecution and defense. There are…
New Publication: CEC Senteniel
Volume 1 Number 1 Spring 2009. A publication of the Center for Elders and the Courts, National Center for State Courts. “On behalf of the National Center for State Courts, welcome to the first edition of the CEC Sentinel. We live in challenging times. Simple demographic facts will soon impact…
Columbia Science and Technology Law Review Goes Open Access
The following is an announcement from Luis Villa, the outgoing Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Science and Technology Law Review (STLR). Beginning with Volume X STLR will become a “formal open access journal and comply with the recent Durham Statement on open access” and will become the first Columbia journal to…
The Career Clinic: Eight Simple Rules for Finding Work You Love
by Maureen Anderson OCLC NetLibrary eBook of the Month June 2009 AMACOM Books, 2008 Product ID: 251065 Since the Baby Boom generation, we have been raised with a sense that self-fulfillment is one of our inalienable rights-yet most of us probably do not love our work. As the longtime host…
Review: Dreams From the Monster Factory: A Tale of Prison, Redemption and One Woman’s Fight to Restore Justice to All
Dreams from the Monster Factory: A Tale of Prison, Redemption and One Woman’s Fight to Restore Justice to All by Sunny Schwartz, with David Boodell Scribner, 204 pp., $24.00 Reviewed by Helen Epstein in a forthcoming issue of The New York Review of Books (Volume 56 Number 9 June 11,…
ABA Publication: Garner on Language and Writing
By Bryan A. Garner Foreword by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg “Bryan Garner has collected over a hundred of his finest essays on writing, language, and style in this substantial anthology. The book includes sections on legal language and lexicography, how to write successfully as a professional, and concludes with chapters…