Published by Research and Markets Ltd. Dublin, Ireland. The study presents data from 90 libraries – corporate, legal, college, public, state, and non-profit libraries – about their database licensing practices. More than half of the participating libraries are from the USA, and the rest are from Canada, Australia, the UK,…
Articles Posted in Publication Announcements and Reviews
The Jury Expert May 2009
Volume 21, Issue 3 May 2009. A publication of the American Society of Trial Consultants. LEAD ARTICLES: Narcissism in Gen Y: Is it Increasing or Not? Two opposing perspectives by Jean Twenge, Keith Campbell, Kali Trzesniewski, Brian Donnellan Two articles (authored by researchers with opposing perspectives on the prevalence of…
Guide to Lawyers Representing Religious Organizations
A 2009 publication of the American Bar Association. ” A practical reference for any attorney who is asked to represent a religious organization.” Guide to Representing Religious Organizations By Editors: Lisa A. Runquist and Jeannie Carmedelle Frey; Managing Editor: Patricia A. Tauchert ——————————————————————————– The Guide to Representing Religious Organizations addresses…
SciTech e-Merging News – Highlights
Volme 1 Issue 4 Spring 2009. A quarterly newsletter of the American Bar Association Section on Science and Technology. CHAIR’S WELCOME by RUTH HILL BRO Come Together, Right Now For many of us, it’s been a long, cold lonely winter as we’ve tried to find our way through a seemingly…
List: Law Library Blogs
We are delighted to see the updated List of Law Library Blogs. It was originally compled by Bonnie Shucha, University of Wisconsin Law School, and has been updated by Michael Robak, University of Illinios College of Law. When viewing this list it is important to note that it contains only…
Announcement and Survey: AALL Publication on Legal Research for Non-Lawyers
The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Legal Information Services to the Public SIS has updated its publication, “How to Research a Legal Problem: A Guide for Non-Lawyers.” The text of the revised version, by LISP members Lee Warthen and Angus Nesbit, can be viewed here: In the past…
Journal: Law & Social Inquiry
A quarterly journal published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. on behalf of the American Bar Foundation. Law & Social Inquiry is a multidisciplinary quarterly that publishes original research articles and wide-ranging review essays that contribute to the understanding of sociolegal processes. Law & Social Inquiry’s combination of empirical and…
New Books and Releases from the ABA Criminal Justice Section
Below is a message, useful to law librarians and others, from the current Chair of the ABA Criminal Justice Section. It includes information about new books and some discussion about publication activities within the Section : Message from the Chair: The Criminal Justice Section is comprised of a number of…
William S. Hein Publications: Special Pricing for National Library Week
April 12-18, 2009 William S. Hein & Co., Inc. is pleased to offer special pricing on a selection of our newest and best selling titles during National Library Week! Purchase ONE title and receive 10% off Purchase TWO titles and receive 20% off Purchase THREE titles and receive 30% off…
Study: People With Untreated Mental Illness May Pose A Greater Threat to the Future of Libraries Than the Internet
Mark Estes, Editorial Director of AALL Spectrum, has forwarded the following Press Release about an important study published in the March/April 2009 issue of American Libraries, the journal of the American Library Association. The study suggests that people with untreated severe mantal illness may pose a greater risk to America’s…