
Articles Posted in Regulatory Information


Bernard Lawrence Madoff

Bernard Lawrence Madoff was arrested on December 11, 2008 on a ciminal complaint and has been charged with” perpetrating the largest investor fraud ever committed by an individual.” Below are some excerpts and links to articles and documenrs related to this matter. As this matter unfolds we expect to both…


New Rules of Professional Conduct for New York Attorneys Announced

From the New York Unified Court System Press Release, December 17, 2008. “NEW YORK – Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye and the Presiding Justices of the Appellate Division today announced a new set of attorney conduct rules for New York, effective April 1, 2009. The Rules of Professional Conduct, which…


U.S. Federal Register Announces Launch of New Electronic Public Information Desk

The Federal Register has announced the launch of a new Electronic Public Information Desk to Provide free public access to public documents.* To view these documents, go to (link opens in a new window). See “View Documents on Public Inspection” (link opens in a new window) on the left…


Documents: Takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

From: September 9, 2008. Through our Gallerywatch Documents subscription service we are poviding the following selection of documents regarding the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We hope you will find them of interest: Selected Documents Additional Information: Q&A: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, prepared by Adhip…


Lawyers: Gonzales Mishandled Classified Information

The Associated Press “Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales mishandled highly classified notes about a secret counterterror program, says a memo by his legal team, which touches on one of the most contentious episodes of high-level infighting in the Bush administration’s war on terror. The memo acknowledges that Gonzales improperly stored…


Codes Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (NYCRR), Sections Affected

Register Citations from 8-1-07 to 6-11-08 (Cumulative) The following citator compiled by James R. Sahlem, Principal Law Librarian of the New York Supreme Court at Buffalo, is intended to “fill the gap” in NYCRR, both print and electronic format. It covers the most recent ten-month period. It is designed to…

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