BY KAT SANDERS* It’s easier to solve crime today than it was 50 years ago, because of the advances that have been made in the field of science, or to be more specific, forensic science. In fact, new and innovative crime solving techniques are being introduced by the day to…
Articles Posted in Science and Technology
Columbia Science and Technology Law Review Goes Open Access
The following is an announcement from Luis Villa, the outgoing Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Science and Technology Law Review (STLR). Beginning with Volume X STLR will become a “formal open access journal and comply with the recent Durham Statement on open access” and will become the first Columbia journal to…
SciTech e-Merging News – Highlights
Volme 1 Issue 4 Spring 2009. A quarterly newsletter of the American Bar Association Section on Science and Technology. CHAIR’S WELCOME by RUTH HILL BRO Come Together, Right Now For many of us, it’s been a long, cold lonely winter as we’ve tried to find our way through a seemingly…
Is Forensic Science Becoming Fragmanted and Less Reliable?
While most agree that forensic science is a critical element of the criminal justice system, there are increasing expressions of concern as to whether it is becoming fragmanted, less reliable, and urgently needs an infusion of financial and research support in order to remain viable. These and related concerns have…
CBS News Show 60 Minutes to Report on Eyewitness Identification
SPECIAL BULLETIN FROM THE AMERICAN JUDICATURE SOCIETY 60 Minutes to Report on Eyewitness Identification Reform The CBS News show, 60 Minutes will air a two-segment report on Eyewitness Identification Reform on Sunday, March 8, 2009, at 7pm EST. Dr. Gary L. Wells, Director of Social Sciences for the AJS Institute…
Conference: Forensic Science for the 21st Century: The National Academy of Science Report and Beyond
To be held on April 3-4, 2009 in Tempe, Arizona. The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University will host an international conference, Forensic Science for the 21st Century: The National Academy of Sciences Report and Beyond,” on April 3-4 in Tempe, Ariz. The focal point of…
New York Times: A Tool to Verify Digital Records, Even as Technology Shifts
The above titled January 27, 2009 article by John Markoff, published in the New York Times is relevant because it discusses digitization, preservation and authentication of records (and by extension information) in terms of continuously preserving these qualities in an authentic state as the underlying technology constantly changes or “shifts”…
Cell Phones and Text Messaging
Notes from Law Technology News Online Update November 17, 2008. Cell Phones “If you use a handheld device while driving in California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, or Washington (state or D.C.), you are breaking the law. Utah and New Hampshire have some mention of handheld cell phone…
New ABA Publication: SCITECH e-Merging News
The ABA Section of Science and Technology Law has just published the first edition of SCITECH e-Merging News, an electronic newsletter to be published quarterly. See theTable of Contents for the first issue follow: TABLE OF CONTENTS: Practice Edge BioBlurb The Biotechnology Law Committee’s weekly update publishes a roundup of…
Microsoft’s Top Ten Innovationss by James Rapoza
” Let’s face it, during the reign of Bill Gates, Microsoft hasn’t exactly been Xerox Parc when it comes to inventing and creating new technologies. For the most part, Microsoft has been content to buy or copy new technologies and focus on incremental improvements to its products. But that doesn’t…