
Articles Posted in The Documents Corner


Selected Documents: U.S. Ecomonic Stimulus

The following are links to three legislative documents regarding the Emergency Econimic Stabilization Act of 2008 from those included in our subscription to We are grateful to the Gallerywatch team for their hard work and dedication in compiling this and much more information over this past weekend: Final Legislative…


Justice Made Local: The Future of Town and Village Courts in New York State: A Report by the Special Commission on the Future of New York State Courts

September 2008 A special commission appointed by Hon. Judith S. Kaye, Chief Judge of the Courts in the State of New York, has issued a Report: Justice Most Local, The Future of Town and Village Courts in New York State, which recommends a significant consolidation of the “centuries-old” local court…


Remarks of the Democratic and Republican Nominees at the 2008 Conventions

Some of our readers have suggested it would be helpful to have copies of the full text of remarks of all four nominees at the 2008 Democratic and Republican Conventions held in late August and early September. Thanks to both the democratic and republican parties we are able to do…


Documents: Takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

From: September 9, 2008. Through our Gallerywatch Documents subscription service we are poviding the following selection of documents regarding the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We hope you will find them of interest: Selected Documents Additional Information: Q&A: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, prepared by Adhip…


Sarah Palin: Governor of Alaska and Senator McCain’s Choice for Vice President

This is not a political blog and we do not endorse people for office; but we do try to provide information in an impartial manner of interest to our readers. The following is a compilation of links from various sources throughout the web we have been able to identify quickly…


Lawyers: Gonzales Mishandled Classified Information

The Associated Press “Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales mishandled highly classified notes about a secret counterterror program, says a memo by his legal team, which touches on one of the most contentious episodes of high-level infighting in the Bush administration’s war on terror. The memo acknowledges that Gonzales improperly stored…


Decision: Valerie Plume Wilson and Joseph C. Wilson IV v. I Lewis Libby, Et. Al.

From: Findlaw Legal Documents, August 12, 2008 Dismissal of CIA Leak Case Affirmed WILSON V. LIBBY “(U.S. D.C. Circuit) – In a suit by Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband alleging that employees in the Office of the Vice President and the State Department violated their constitutional rights by publishing…


Senator Ted Stevens Indictment July 29, 2008

To see the” federal grand jury indictment of Alaskan Republican Senator Ted Stevens, charging him with concealing valuable gifts from an oil service company and its CEO on his congressional financial disclosure forms”, click here. ________________________________ From: Findlaw: Featured Documents, July 29, 2008.

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