Jackson, William. “Wireless Rules for Oregon Courts,” Government Computer News, (February 1, 2008). “Officials at the Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) ran into a problem several years ago when they began looking for a new home for the department’s information technology staff and equipment. ” “Managers had to figure out how…
Articles Posted in The Judiciary
ABA Conference: Stranger in a Strange Land: Cross Cultural Issues in the Courts
What does “the rule of law” mean in today’s multi-cultural society? In a growing number of cases in state and federal courts all across the country, immigrants are pleading “the cultural defense” – invoking the customs and traditions of their homelands to explain their actions. Even when it is not…
2007 End of Year Report on the Federal Judiciary
The following is an excerpt followed by a link to the actual document: “…Americans should take enormous pride in our judicial system. But there is no cause for complacency. Our judicial system inspires the world because of the commitment of each new generation of judges who build upon the vision…
11 Person Jury Verdict Upheld in New York
NY LAW JOURNAL Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2007 p. 1, col. 4 11-Person Jury’s Verdict Upheld Majority Accepts Defendant’s Waiver BY JOEL STASHENKO ALBANY–The Court of Appeals yesterday abandoned one of its oldest precedents by deciding that a jury with fewer than 12 members can return a valid verdict in a…
Q & A: Preemploymenrt Background Checks in Courts
QUESTION ” I was curious about what courts are doing regarding preemployment background checks. Are courts systems obtaining fingerprints of new hires and running the background checks? For all jobs? We currently do it for judges and magistrates, but not routinely for court clerks or deputy clerk positions. Thanks.” ANSWER…
Nominations for 2008 American Bar Association Justice Center John Marshall Award
The John Marshall Award was established to honor those dedicated to the improvement of the administration of justice. The 8th annual Award will be presented at the 2008 ABA Annual Meeting in New York, NY. For additional information on the Award and how to make a nomination, please visit the…
2007 Annual Report of the New York State Commission on Judical Conduct
The 2007 Annual Report of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct was released last Thursday. In his article in the November 19, 2007 New York Law Journal Daniel Wise writes that the Commission ” opened more investigations in 2006 [the year covered by the Annual Reporrt] and had…
Justice Stephen G. Crane to Resign in February 2008
The following announcement appeared in the November 2, 2007 issue of the New York Law Journal “Justice Stephen G. Crane of the Appellate Division, Second Department, said yesterday he will resign on Feb. 4 to join Judicial Arbitration & Mediation Services in Manhattan. JAMS, a California-based dispute resolution firm, employs…
State of New York: Bench and Bar Respond to Judicial Pay Deadlock
The following was received from the New York Law Journal. We appreciate their efforts in compiling this material: October 12, 2007 Editor’s Note: As the Law Journal receives commentary from sitting judges and members of the bar on the fallout from the lack of compromise in the state’s budget on…