
Articles Posted in The Judiciary


Uncertainty in Law Circles Over New U.S. Supreme Court Ruling for Judges

Uncertainty in Law Circles Over New Court Ruling for Judges By JOHN SCHWARTZ Published: June 10, 2009 by the New York Times “Lawyers across the country said that a Supreme Court ruling on conflicts of interest among elected judges could prompt a deluge of requests for judges to recuse themselves…


New York City Bar Report on the Bronx Supreme and Criminal Courts

The Association of the Bar of the City of New York (New York City Bar) has just published its Report on the Merger of the Bronx Supreme and Criminal Courts. Commenting on the Report in his June 11, 2009 New York Law Journal article, “City Bar Report Cites ‘Serious Problems’…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 29, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 29, 2009: Layoffs 2009’s Toll: More Than 10,000 Law Firm Layoffs and Lower Pay Trend May 28, 2009, 10:43 am CDT Law Firms Ex-Sidley Associate Pens Tell-All Memoir of China Sexcapades May 27, 2009, 09:28 am CDT Law Practice Management Mayer Brown…


Violence Against Women Act Courts Program: Input Needed

From Brenda k. Uekert, Senior Research Associate, National Center for State Courts: The Court Training and Improvements Program (Courts Program) was created by the Violence Against Women Act of 2005. The specific criteria that will be used to solicit proposals for the Courts Program is currently being considered by the…


Judge Sonia Sotomayor: Background Documents, LC Materials, Two Opinions, And Completed Questionnaire

To help those who are interested in information beyond that available in the popular news media regarding Judge Sotomayor we have assembeled two background documents, two of Judge Sotomayor’s opinions, one from 2002 and another from 2008. Also included is a completed copy of the questionnaire of Judge Sotoamyor prepared…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. May 15, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending May 15, 2009: Law Firms Did ‘Financial Insanity’ and ‘Greedy Lawyers’ Doom WolfBlock? May 14, 2009, 09:07 am CDT Law Firms Some 2010 Summer Associate Programs Are Being Axed or Scaled Back May 13, 2009, 08:40 am CDT Plus: Some Deferred Start Dates…


New York State: Commission on Judical Conduct Annual Report 2009

Pursuant to Section 42, paragraph 4, of the Judiciary Law of the State of New York the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct respectfully submits the Annual Report 2009 of its activities covering the period from January 1 through December 31, 2008. The New York State Commission on Judicial…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter. March 20, 2009.

Top Ten Stories of the Week ending March 20, 2009: Law Practice Management Layoff ‘Herd Mentality’ Ignores Greater Savings of Pay Cuts, Prof Says Mar 17, 2009, 08:19 am CDT Pro Bono Situations Wanted: Laid-Off Lawyers Seek Volunteer Work–and Get Rejected Mar 16, 2009, 08:42 am CDT Law Practice Management…


Q&A: Spanish Vietnamese Versions of Court Websites

QUESTION* For courts who have translated their public website into the Spanish and/or Vietnamese languages: Do you have a Spanish and/or Vietnamese version of your court public website? Do you have statistics on number of visitors by language that you can share? Have you conducted a cost/benefit analysis or impact…

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