As almost everyone knows, the 2011 U.S. Budget was submitted on February 1. Since this is such a huge budget, in terms of both bulk and scope, we have decided to limit this posting largely to links to some ” Budget Fact Sheets” prepared by the Office of Management and…
Articles Posted in U.S. Federal Government Information
User Driven Enhancements to THOMAS Launched on its Fifteenth Birthday
THOMAS was launched on January 5, 1995, at the inception of the 104th Congress. The leadership of the 104th Congress directed the Library of Congress to make federal legislative information freely available to the public. Since that time THOMAS has expanded the scope of its offerings to include many features…
Seeking Ideas for Greater Transparency and Open Government in Federal Departments, Agencies and on Federal Web Sites
In the e-mail below Camilla Tubbs, Chair of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Government Relations Committee provides useful information regarding efforts by the Obama admiinistration to create greater transparency and openness in and among federal departments and agencies. She is also asking what types of information people want…
U.S. Senate Floor Schedule 2010
The following is the announced U.S. Senate floor schedule for 2010: Jan. 5 – Second session convenes in a pro forma session Jan. 19 – Senate reconvenes for legislative business Feb. 15-19 – Presidents Day recess March 29-April 9 – Spring/Easter recess May 31-June 4 – Memorial Day recess July…
Congressional Printing: Background and Issues for Congress
A Report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) prepared by R. Eric Petersen, Analyst in American National Government November 5, 2009.* Summary Periodically, concerns have been raised about the number and variety of products created to document congressional activity. Other concerns focus on the process for authorizing and distributing printed…
Taking Action To Help Free Online Access to CRS Reports
This posting is prompted out of concern for the need to provide open, online access to public documents including CRS reports, two e-mails received during the past two weeks, and two recent requests for recent CRS report referenced in a previous post to this blog. First the e-mails. About a…
CRS Report – Juvenile Justice: Life Without Parole
BY: Alison M. Smith, Legislative Attorney, Congressional Research Service (CRS) September 14, 2009. SUMMARY OF REPORT: Some question whether the United States justice system appropriately handles juvenile offenders. Since the late 1960s, the juvenile justice system has undergone significant modifications resulting from U.S. Supreme Court decisions, changes in federal and…
Health Care Update as of the Beginning of October 2009
Through various means, both web based and print, we are monitoring as best we can discussions related to the ongoing health care discussions. Below is an edited and excerpted version of some information we received recently from GalleryWatch in Washington, DC. We would like to share it with you. This…
Health Care Reform: The Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee Version
Hearing and listening to all of the media hype of the last few days, one could be convinced that the Baucus version released a couple of days ago is the only legislation being seriously considered in the present debate. Far from it. Not only do he have at least one…
Baucus Health Care Proposal: America’s Healthy Future Act 0f 2009
Today Sept. 16, 2009, Senator Max Baucus of Montana, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, released the first draft of the committee’s long awaited proposed legislation to overhaul the country’s health care system. The proposal is the result of more than a year of preparation and more than three…