
NYCRR Sections Affected March 2008

List of Sections Affected of the Official Compilation Codes Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (NYCRR). James R Sahlem, Principal Law Librarian, New York Supreme Court Library at Buffalo, is the Compiler of this ongoing work. The following is from his introduction:

The following citator is intended to “fill the gap” in NYCRR, both print and electronic format. It covers the most recent ten-month period. It is designed to be printed and stapled and left at the end of your NYCRR or retained in e-format as a back-up to electronic research. Hopefully, this will demonstrate that the long-standing NYCRR gap problem can be cured. I will be providing twice-monthly cumulative updates. Those familiar with the CFR- LSA will have a good analogy.

Simply locate the pertinent title and section and consult this citator under that same title and section. If there is no entry, the reg has not been changed during the “gap” period. If an entry is found, it will be either a proposal “P”, or an action. Actions may include additions “Ad”, amendments “Am”, repeals “Rep”, re-numberings “Ren”, or combinations. “E” designations are emergency actions. Actions will have an effective date provided in the second-last column, while proposals will not. Those actions having effective dates earlier than their register publication are in bold . The last column will give the register reference by date and (in parentheses) the page on which it appears. Register pages are available at
This attachment may be forwarded freely to anyone who might benefit from it. Questions may generally be resolved by examining the New York Register entry referred to in the last column. Failing that, questions, comments or suggestions may be forwarded to Sections are arranged to the level of section and subsection only; lower level references are given in the adjoining column, in chronological order. Only register references which impact a specific NYCRR title and section are included; table references, rate schedules, waiver requests, etc. are not included.

Each monthly update adds the most recent register references and deletes the oldest month, thereby providing a “rolling” ten month coverage period. Proposals not acted upon will be retained for a full year, at which time they are deemed expired in any case. Mid-month updates add either two or three weeks of coverage with no deletions. Each update is cumulative for its coverage period. Any and all earlier updates should be discarded or deleted. Archival copies will be saved and are available on request.

See entire text of March 2008 Cumulative Supplement by clicking on link below:

NYCRR Sections Affected March 2008

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