
Criminal Law Library Blog


Perspectives: Why Google Won’t Focus on Business Software

Vembu, Sridhar, “Annother View: Why Google Won’t Focus on Business Software”, Government Computer News. (September 27, 2008). “So what is Google’s plan? It is fairly obvious the company is in it to put Microsoft on the defensive on its home turf, to diminish that company’s offensive capability in the Internet.…


Law Library of Congress: Redesigned Global Legal Monitor Launched

The following is from an announcement received from Emily Carr, Legal Reference Specialist, Law Library of Congress, on September 24, 2008. It should be of great interest to all who need to follow foreign and international developments in the law. Redesigned Global Legal Monitor Launched The Law Library of Congress…


Criminal Law and Procedure: Case Summaries Update September 24, 2008

Source: Pace and Schmidt For personal use only — Not for Commercial Distribution: Criminal Law & Procedure [09/24] US v. Vega In a case challenging the conditions of supervised release, the sentence is affirmed where: 1) the condition that defendant abstain from alcohol was not a abuse of discretion; 2)…


New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department: Criminal Cases Originating from the New York Supreme Court NY County

Search Update from the Lexis Alert Service, Search run morning of September 25, 2008: 1. People v. Colon, 4110, 2506/02, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT, 2008 NY Slip Op 7039; 2008 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 6881, September 23, 2008, Decided, September 23, 2008, Entered, THE LEXIS…


Legislator’s Son at Center of Sarah Palin Hack Talk, Report says

Legislator’s Son at Center of Sarah Palin Hack Talk, Report Says “Tennessee Rep. Mike Kernell says that his son, David Kernell, is at the center of speculation about the identity of the hacker who gained access to Palin’s account.” From: CIO Insider News, September 2008


LLAM News September 2008

Law Library Association of Maryland Newsletter No password required. Please be patient if the document takes a little while to open.


Publication Announcement: Marketing the Law Firm: Business Development Techniques

Published by Research and Markets Ltd. ” ‘Sally Schmidt’s book, Marketing the Law Firm: Business Development Techniques, is a bible, a must-read, and a springboard to law firm marketing for any new or seasoned marketing professional. Its frequent updates are easy to insert and the range of information is nearly…


Book Review: Legacy and Legitimacy: Black Americans and the Supreme Court

TITLE: Legacy And Legitimacy SUBTITLE: Black Americans And The Supreme Court AUTHORS: Rosalee A. Clawson and Eric N. Waltenburg PUBLICATION DATE: December 2008 PUBLISHER: Temple University Press PAGE COUNT: 224 pp. ISBN: 978-1-59213-903-3 PRICE: $23.95 The U. S. Supreme Court’s Warren-era revolution in the areas of civil, individual, and privacy…


U.S. Supreme Court Delays Execution of Convicted Georgia Cop Killer Troy Davis

“The U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay of execution for Troy Anthony Davis less than two hours before he was to be put to death by lethal injection yesterday, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Davis, 39, sits on death row for the 1989, killing of Savannah Police Officer Mark Allen MacPhail.…


Criminal Law and Procedure

Source: Pace and Schmidt For personal use only — Not for Commercial Distribution: ——————————————————————————– Criminal Law & Procedure [09/23] US v. Pham In an identity theft case challenging the level of sentencing enhancement imposed, the sentence is vacated and case remanded where: 1) a four level enhancement under U.S. Sentencing…

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