
Criminal Law Library Blog


What is Your Policy On Cell Phones in the Court House?

QUESTION: What is your policy on cell phones in the courthouse? Are you able to keep them with you? If not, what do you do with them while you are in the courthouse? Can you use them in the courthouse? SOME RESPONSES: “…The New Castle County Courthouse in Delaware bans…


New 2008 Presidential Debates Web Site

The Commission on Presidential Debates has partnered with MySpace to create a new Web site, This site will become available in the days leading up to the first Presidential debate on September 26. The more questions submitted, the more likely a library question will be asked. This is an…


New State Bibliographies from the AALL Government Documents SIS

The GD-SIS Publications Committee is proud to announce three new bibliographies ready for purchase. 1. State Documents Bibliography: Washington, DC (series # 3-74) 2. Selective Annotated Bibliography of Delaware State Documents and Other Resources Used in Delaware Legal Research (Series # 3-73) 3. Kentucky State Documents: A Bibliography of Legal…


Recent NY Appellate Division First Department Criminal Cases Originating from the NY Supreme Court NY County

Source: Lexis Alert Service. Search run September 22, 2008. 1. People v. Hill, 4080, 4081, 3857/05, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT, 2008 NY Slip Op 6931; 2008 N.Y. App. Div. LEXIS 6766, September 18, 2008, Decided, September 18, 2008, Entered, THE LEXIS PAGINATION OF THIS…


Support Ohio Draft Reform Bill SB 345 to Help Ohio County Law Libraries

Ohio Draft Reform Bill SB345 Increasingly, county law libraries face new challenges with regards to their funding, space and continued existence in the states with established systems. These challenges were addressed in 2005 with legislation in Ohio to cut back on funds going to county law libraries. Please take a…


Some Helpful Criminal Justice Information Web Reference Sources

Findlaw Criminal Law Center Provides “information and help if you or a loved one are faced with a legal need related to the criminal justice system…” Cornell University Law School: Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Criminal Codes and other subjec categories of statutes Washlaw, A free service of Washburn University School…


New ABA Voting Information Website

This ABA voting information website,, is a project of the ABA Division for Public Education and the Standing Committee on Election Law, in cooperation with the Section of Administrative Law, the Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, the Judicial Division, the Council on Racial and Ethnic Justice, and the…


Robert Pear Highlights Concerns of Loss of Federal Electronic Government Information*

One of the historic functions of libraries has been preserving and providing access to information in various media. In many ways, digitization of information has positively altered the information landscape. However, with the dynamic nature of such information, vital information preservation issues arise. In a timely September 13, 2008, New…


Justice Made Local: The Future of Town and Village Courts in New York State: A Report by the Special Commission on the Future of New York State Courts

September 2008 A special commission appointed by Hon. Judith S. Kaye, Chief Judge of the Courts in the State of New York, has issued a Report: Justice Most Local, The Future of Town and Village Courts in New York State, which recommends a significant consolidation of the “centuries-old” local court…


The Jury Expert: The Art and Science of Litigation and Advocacy

Volume 20 Issue 3 September 2008 Table of Contents The Preparation of Narcissistic Witnesses Solution Focused Mediation Some Juror Rules for Determining Damages The 3 Cs in Using Visual Communication to Tell Legal Stories: Communication, Credibility, and the Central Image Using the Science of Persuasion in the Courtroom Our Favorite…

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