
Criminal Law Library Blog


Sarah Palin: Governor of Alaska and Senator McCain’s Choice for Vice President

This is not a political blog and we do not endorse people for office; but we do try to provide information in an impartial manner of interest to our readers. The following is a compilation of links from various sources throughout the web we have been able to identify quickly…


Lawyers: Gonzales Mishandled Classified Information

The Associated Press “Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales mishandled highly classified notes about a secret counterterror program, says a memo by his legal team, which touches on one of the most contentious episodes of high-level infighting in the Bush administration’s war on terror. The memo acknowledges that Gonzales improperly stored…


2008 Republican Convention: Changes to Convention Progarm

The following is a Fact Sheet which outlines program changes to the Republican National Convention of 2008 as announced on August 31, 2008 by John McCain and the Republican National Convention Committee: Fact Sheet: 2008 Republican National Convention Program Changes


A First Look at Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2

From: eWeek Emerging, Technologies August 29, 2008 Slide show: First Look: IE 8 Beta 2 By Jim Rapoza August 29, 2008 “Despite its market dominance, Internet Explorer has been in many ways the browser that was left behind. Beta 2 of IE 8 shows promise with strong privacy controls and…


Sharing Microsoft Files the Easy Way

From: CIO Insider, Posting by Esther Schindler, August 26, 2008. Sharing Microsoft Office Files the Easy Way: A Five Minute Productivity Tip “Need to create a report or presentation with the input of several people? Don’t e-mail that large file to all the participants. Microsoft Office makes it simple to…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter August 29, 2008

Careers How Michelle Obama’s ‘Savvy Sacrifice’ Helped Her Husband Aug 25, 2008, 01:28 pm CDT “Working as an associate at a powerhouse international law firm based in Chicago, Michelle Obama had what many would have considered a dream job for a lawyer. But she gave up the Sidley Austin job…


Wiley Blackwell Publication: Philosophy & Public Affairs

Among the issues of public concern with a philosophical dimenion addressed in some of the articles published in Philosophy & Public Affairs are matters related to criminal law and justice.: “Issues of public concern often have an important philosophical dimension. Philosophy & Public Affairs is published in the belief that…


Q&A: Whither Twitter?

Here are some questions and responses about Twitter. I have followed the usual practice of deleting any personal information about any of the respondents. That being said I have already found these responses very useful and would like to share them with readers of this blog. David Badertscher QUESTIONS: :…


Democratic National Convention of 2008: Report of the Platform Committee

With all the news and interest in the Democratic National Convention which begins on Monday, we thought that some of you would be interested in seeing, Renewing America’s Promise, Report of the Platform Committee for presentation to the 2008 National Convention. It was approved on August 9, 2008. To see…


ABA Annual Meeting 2008: Criminal Justice Related ABA Policies

All four of the Policy Recommendations submitted by the Criminal Justice Section to the ABA House of Delegates were unanimously approved on August 11, 2008. To link to the final versions of each recommendation and audio recordings of the presentations and discussions, click here

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