
Criminal Law Library Blog


Recent ABA Publication Announcements. 07/12/2008

Witness Preparation for Deposition DVD and Witness Preparation for Trial DVD By Jan M. Spaeth Ph.D. “These DVDs provide real assistance to counsel in guiding witnesses through what can be a scary prospect. Not preachy or intimidating, these videos set just the right tone in providing guidance while inspiring confidence.…


Criminal Justice Section Recommendations Approved by ABA House of Delegates

All four of the recommendations submitted by the Criminal Justice Section to the ABA House of Delegates were unamiously approved on August 11, 2008: Brief descriptions of the final versions of the recommendations are included below. Those seeking addtional information can contact the Criminal Justice Section at 104A Recommends…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter : Top Ten Stories of the Week

August 8, 2008 Associates Associates Happiest With Wachtell Pay, Which is on the Hefty Side Aug 6, 2008, 07:59 am CDT Midlevel associates are most satisfied with their compensation at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, which paid huge bonuses last winter ranging from $175,000 to $215,000… Continue reading. Law Firms…


Why Should We Care What NCJRS Stands For?

Anne Skove and her group who publish the Court-o-Rama. org (otherwise known as the “least dangerous blog”) have reminded us once again in a August 3 posting just how useful NCJRS is as an information and research source for a wide range of criminal justice related information. Below is an…


Changes in the New York Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

From: News from the New York State Archives, Region 1, August 2008 Changes in FOIL: The New York State Legislature has changed New York’s freedom of information law (FOIL). Below are some of the changes to the law which may affect how you manage your government’s records and information! The…


CLLB Information Security Newsletter August 2008

NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2008 Volume 1, Issue 4 Firewalls From the Desk of David Badertscher What is a firewall and why should I use one? A firewall is a software program or hardware device that filters the inbound and outbound traffic between your network or computer and the Internet. Firewalls add…


Real Time Text Aims to Improve Internet accdessibility for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

From: The Internet Society Newsletter, July 31, 2008. The blossoming of multimedia content on the Internet in recent years has revolutionised personal interactions, business communications, and other online services. But for millions of Internet users with sensory disabilities, many of the communication tools remain frustratingly out of their reach. Arnoud…


New York Times Chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. to Deliver Keynote at WebbyConnect

From: The 411: Newsletter of the Webby Awards, July 2008. “We are pleased to announce that eight time 2008 Webby Award winner Arthur Sulzberger Jr., will deliver the opening keynote at WebbyConnect. As Company Chairman and Publisher, Sulzberger transformed The New York Times from a print business into a global…


Senator Ted Stevens Indictment July 29, 2008

To see the” federal grand jury indictment of Alaskan Republican Senator Ted Stevens, charging him with concealing valuable gifts from an oil service company and its CEO on his congressional financial disclosure forms”, click here. ________________________________ From: Findlaw: Featured Documents, July 29, 2008.


2008 ABA Annual Convention: Some Programs Hosted by the Judicial Division

.:: During the 2008 ABA Annual Meeting, the Judicial Division will be hosting several interesting educational programs for the judges, lawyers, and law students, including the following: : ** National Conference of State Trial Judges 50th Anniversary Program ** A Swift Round-trip on Erie Railroad: State Law in Federal Courts;…

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