
Criminal Law Library Blog


Recent ABA Book Announcements

From the Section of Science and Technology Law: Science for Lawyers Eric York Drogin, Editor Science for Lawyers clearly explains and discusses 13 applied scientific disciplines in jargon-free language that is specifically geared toward lawyers. The book explores the definitions (what is science), the practice (what scientists do) and…


Faith in the Courts: A Model for How Court Systems Can Work with Religious Communities

BY: Hon. Juanita Bing Newton, Matthew Weiner, and Moise Waltner* p.28 – 32 of Judges Journal Vol. 46 No. 4 (Fall 2007). This article describes how Judge Juanita Bing Newton and her staff in New York have successfully collaborated with the Interfaith Center of New York to reach out to…


Highlights from Electronic Hein Sites: Issue 13-08

From: William S. Hein & Company, Inc. Researching Texas Law Second Edition This 2008 new edition, titled Legal Research for the Texas Practitioner, focuses on the types of resources and research processes commonly encountered by modern-day practitioners. The work utilizes instructional material from the authors’ courses in Legal Analysis, Research,…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter April 18, 2008

TOP TEN STORIES: Associates For Some Associates, Work is Slow, Delayed or Nonexistent Apr 14, 2008, 05:46 am CDT Associates at big law firms were flying high last year when starting salaries skyrocketed to $160,000. Now some are in for a bumpy ride… ——————————————————————————– Law Schools A Tuition Secret: In…


Q&A: What is Virtual Law?

QUESTION: What is virtual law? RESPONSE: “Virtual law is like ‘Internet law,’ in that it refers to a wide body of generally preexisting law that is applied somewhat differently in a new context. In fact, much of what we think of as ‘Internet law’ applies to virtual worlds. In sum,…


CLLB Information Security Newsletter. April 2008 Volume 1, Issue 3.

April 2008 Volume 1, Issue 3 From the Desk of David Badertscher SOCIAL ENGINEERING: ARE YOU AT RISK? The term “social engineering” can be defined in various ways, relating to both physical and cyber aspects of that activity. For the purposes of the discussion in this newsletter, social engineering is…


Conference: Ninth Annual South African Online Information Meeting

The Organisation of South African Law Libraries (OSALL) is one of the sponssors and will be participating in this Conference: NINTH Southern African Online Information Meeting Tuesday 3rd of June to Thursday 5th of June 2008 CSIR Conference Centre Meiring Naude Road, Pretoria Organised by Southern African Online User Group…


WordPerfect Meets PDF, Falls in Love

The following is from TechnoLawyer Newswire,- April 16, 2008: Traditionally, the software industry presented law firms with a dilemma – single-task best-of-breed programs or easier to manage but lower quality all-in-one programs. And then came the suite, which offers best-in-class programs designed to work together. Corel’s new suite, Corel…


California Prison Reform: Inmates, It and Health Care

California Prison Reform: Inmates, IT and Health Care Inside California prisons, substandard medical care kills one inmate every six days-treatment which, according to federal courts, amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. IT is part of the court-ordered prescription to ensure doctors do no more harm. But prisons systems are antiquated…

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