
Criminal Law Library Blog


Is Emerging 3-D Holographic Storage Poised to be the Next Great Archival Medium?

Writing in the April/May 2008 issue of State Tech: Technology Insights for Leaders in State and Local Government, Michele Hope concludes by writing: “Only time and a few real-world installations will tell.” Here are some excerpts from Michele’s article: FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “The first commercial holographic storage products are slated…


National Issues Forum: Under Pressure, How Do We Keep the Courts Fair and Impartial

Under Pressure: How Do We Keep the Courts Fair and Impartial? Tuesday, April 15, 2008 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Presented by the Coalition for Justice Hosted by the American University Washington College of Law Washington, DC This National Issues Forum will include a lively discussion on the Separation of…


Chief Judge Judith Kaye Sues New York State to Secure Judicial Pay Hike

From: New York Law Journal April 10, 2008 Chief Judge Kaye Sues State to Secure Judicial Pay Hike BY: Joel Stashenko 04-11-2008 Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye today filed a lawsuit to force the state Legislature and the governor into granting state judges their first pay raise since 1999. Former…


Six Critical Steps to Managing Electronically Stored Information Under FRCP

Diamond, Mark P. “Six Critical Steps to Manageing Electronically Stored Information Under FRCP,” : Findlaw for Legal Professionals.(April 8, 2008). SIX CRITICAL STEPS TO MANAGING ELECTRONICALLY STORED INFORMATION “(Mark Diamond) – Litigation always, has been, and will continue to be, a reality of doing business. What is changing, however, is…


How to Successfully Integrate an iPod Into Your Litigation Practice.

From: TechnoFeature: The TechnoLawyer Community, (April 8, 2008) BY: David W. Mykel, M.A. INTRODUCTION Attorneys constantly search for ways to increase their efficiency, bill more hours, and make life easier. Imagine you’re working from your laptop at 35,000 feet: reviewing video deposition testimony, reading over transcripts and documents, and…


Comparing Google and Other Leading Messaging Security Solutions

With spam and virus attacks at record levels, and spammers using increasingly sophisticated techniques, Google commissioned Osterman Research to conduct a study of organizations to assess the performance of their on-demand and on-premise email security solutions. Osterman Research shares what they uncovered in their research of companies using Google Message…


New on LLRX for April 2008

The following is a listing of articles which appear in the most recent issue of LLRX at the time of this posting. See The Personal Information Trainer, by Stuart Basefsky Criminal Law Resources: Fingerprint Evidence Challenges, by Ken Strutin The Social Networking Titans: Facebook and MySpace, by…


Sources of Information about Judges

On April 4, 2008 Patricia Barbone sent an e-mail to the Law Library Association of New York (LLAGNY) listserv in which she listed the following two excellent sources where information about judges can be found.: Judicial Reports is an on-demand service that covers NY Judges. The first profile you request…


Library Reference Renaissance Conference: August 4-5, 2008, Denver

Call for Participation Deadline Extended to April 22, 2008 A Reference Renaissance: Current and Future Trends August 4-5, 2008 Denver, CO Conference website: Sponsored by BCR (Bibliographical Center for Research) and RUSA (Reference and User Services Association), an ALA Division Rumors of the “death of reference” have been greatly…


ABA Honors Judge William Wilkins

By Dan Hoover STAFF WRITER April 5, 2008 His eloquent summations have packed courtrooms, he’s been hailed as a judicial innovator and his quiet work has reshaped federal jurisprudence in America. For a lifetime of “extraordinary” contributions, Judge William W. Wilkins of Greenville received a special achievement award…

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