
Criminal Law Library Blog


Internet Explorer 8 Beta Due in Mid 2008*

The following is an edited version of an article by Peter Galli, published on December 19, 2007 By Peter Galli Microsoft has finally started talking publicly about the next release of its Internet Explorer Web browser, and expects to deliver the first beta for IE 8 in the first…


ABA Criminal Justice Section Announces Program for 2008 Mid Year Meeting

Criminal justice experts from around the country will descend upon Los Angeles on Feb. 7-9 for the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section’s 2008 Midyear Meeting. On Feb. 8 members can participate in CLE programs addressing among other issues how the “Jena 6” ordeal affected the public’s perception of the…


Growing Trend Toward On-Demand Web Based Databases

An article by Brian Prince, “On-Demand Trend Touching the Database.” describes a growing trend in the marketplace toward migration to web-based databases. Some of the new or forthcoming databases discussed are SimpleDB beta of, Dabble DB, and Trackvia. A company also mentioned, Kognitio, provides on-demand data warehousing. One person…


11 Person Jury Verdict Upheld in New York

NY LAW JOURNAL Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2007 p. 1, col. 4 11-Person Jury’s Verdict Upheld Majority Accepts Defendant’s Waiver BY JOEL STASHENKO ALBANY–The Court of Appeals yesterday abandoned one of its oldest precedents by deciding that a jury with fewer than 12 members can return a valid verdict in a…


Request for Quiche Interpreter for a Pending Case*

QUESTION: “Good afternoon. …[our court] is trying to find a Quiche interpreter for a pending criminal case. Quiche or K’iche is a Mayan language spoken in the central highlands of Guatemala. We’ve tried courts in major metropolitan areas, NAJIT, major universities, Language Line, and even the Guatemalan embassy in Washington,…


Legal Risks of Uncontrolled Email and Web Content

A paper prepared by Hillel L. Parness, Professor, Columbia University Law School and Of Counsel, Lovells (New York) for MessageLabs ( ; it includes the following sections: Introduction, The Risks, Harassment, Child Pornography, Defamation, 3rd Party Intellectual Property Rights, Contract Formation, Confidentiality, Dealing With Risks, and a Summary. Introduction “Email…


News Alert: New Jersey Ends Capital Punishment and Commutes All Death Sentences

From the New Jersey Law Journal December 17, 2007. N.J. Ends Capital Punishment, Commutes All Death Sentences Michael Booth 12-17-2007 A quarter-century after it was reinstated and without it ever being used, New Jersey’s death penalty is repealed” Gov. Jon Corzine on Monday signed legislation that eliminates capital punishment as…


Draft Report of the Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control and the AALL Official Response

View Letter from the Working Group – November 30, 2007 [PDF, 41 KB] Read Draft Final Report of the Working Group [PDF, 315 KB] The period for public comment on the report is open until December 15, 2007. Comments can be submitted via the Web site at Electronic submission…

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