
Criminal Law Library Blog


Metadata: The Ghosts Haunting E-Documents

From Findlaw, March 28, 2008. “David Hricik & Chase Edward Scott) – Metadata is not new, but it has become pervasive in the digital world in which lawyers (and their clients) live. Many programs commonly used in the office create data about data and then save that unseen information along…


Google, MySpace, Yahoo Form OpenSocial Foundation

“The core idea here is that developers will create more applications for social networks if there is a fair amount of interoperability between the platforms. Of course, Facebook, and by extension Microsoft, don’t seem to want to endorse this concept. But Microsoft did come out strongly in favor of making…


Summaries of Opinions – U.S. Court of Appeals 2d Circuit

From: Findlaw Opinion Summaries March 26, 2008. AEROSPACE & DEFENSE, CIVIL PROCEDURE, GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, INJURY AND TORT LAW, MILITARY LAW, PRODUCT LIABILITY I”n re ‘Agent Orange’ Prod. Liab. Litig., No. 05-1760 “In a products liability action arising from the alleged injuries, mostly forms of cancer, caused by veterans’ exposure to…


Quinlan’s Narcotics Law Pop Quiz

QUESTION: Law enforcement officers went to Castellanos’s residence after receiving information from a confidential informant that Castellanos was in this country illegally, was selling a large quantity of drugs from his residence, and had a cousin who had been kidnapped and killed. The officers arrived at 6:15 a.m. The door…


Claims of Presidential Power Rejected in Medellin v. Texas (06-984)

The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday (March 26) in a sweeping rejection of powers in the presidency ruled that neither the World Court nor President Bush can interfere with Texas regarding that states’ enforcement of its own criminal laws. The justices in their 6-3 decision, Medellin v. Texas (06-984), ruled that…


SLA Legal Division Quarterly

The Legal Division Quarterly is published four time a year as a Newsletter of the Legal Division of the Special Libraries Association. Included in the WinterSpring 2007-08 issue is a very interesting article “Help – The Lifeguard is Drowning!: Thoughts and Reflections on How Librarians Can Stay Afloat in the…

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