Susanne Pierce Dyer, Reference/Devilopment Librarian, Bernard E. Witkin Alemeda County Law Library in Oakland, California has sent the following information and announcement regarding the tenth anniversary of the Bernard E. Witkin Memorial Symposium: “How quickly a decade flies by! As we look back to the first Witkin lecture in May…
Criminal Law Library Blog
CLLB Information Security Newsletter. March 2008 Volume 1, Issue 2.
CLLB Information Scurity Newsletter March 2008 Volume 1, Issue 2 Annual Maintenance For Computers From the Desk of David Badertscher Perform Annual Maintenance in Conjunction With Daylight Savings Time Change In addition to your routine security and maintenance processes, you should perform an annual PC “tune up” or maintenance to…
Tammy Raum’s Internet Research Tips for Women’s History Month, March 2008
BY TAMAR RAUM* March is Women’s History Month, and a wealth of historical, social, political, and cultural knowledge is available on the internet. The following internet page of the NWHP (National Women’s History Project) highlights notable achievements of outstanding women. To really appreciate the nature and scope of Women’s…
Above the Law’s David Lat Booted From Facebook
The following was posted on the LAW.COM: Legal Blog Watch on March 3, 2008 by Carolyn Elefant: “Everyone in the blawgosphere knows that David Lat is Above the Law. Everyone, that is, except Facebook, which apparently has its own laws that even a blogger of Lat’s stature can’t transcend. Facebook…
Wisconsin State Law Library Newsletter March 2008
The March issue of WSLL @ Your Service has been published at In this issue: * What’s New: New Volunteer @ WSLL; Economic Stimulus Checks – A Heads Up * This Just In… : New & Updated library materials * Click To It! Legal Research @ Your Fingertips: finding…
Internet Society (ISOC) Participates in the Open Consultations of the Internet Governance Forum
The following was contributed by Bill Graham* The Internet Society played a significant role in the second meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Rio de Janeiro in December, 2007. ISOC hosted an Open Forum on ISOC’s work and worked with partners to organize or participate in nine other…
HeinOnLine February 2008 Content Release
February Content Release This month’s content release includes the following NEW content: 12 years added to the Congressional Record Bound 11 new titles added to the Law Journal Library 97 new titles added to World Trials 11 states updated in Session Laws 1 new title added to Legal Classics Click…
Top Ten
[From an article by Tony Mauro in the January 29, 2008 issue of Legal Times] “One way to get a rise out of usually reticent federal judges is to ask them about the sentencing mess — and particularly, the Supreme Court’s role in muddying the waters with a series of…
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
[From “The History of an American Obsession: The Lie Detectors” by Ken Alder.] “Despite this warning, the search for Momus’s window has continued down the centuries. The Greeks developed a science of physiognomy to assess people’s character from their facial features and gestures. On the assumption that anxious deceivers generated…
New York City Pro Bono and Legal Services Training Calendar for March 2008
This monthly summary of the online calendar has been developed by Pro Bono Net in collaboration with The Legal Aid Society, Legal Services for New York City and Volunteers of Legal Service. We hope that this format will make it easy for you to keep abreast of upcoming events…