
Criminal Law Library Blog


Hein Publications: Electronic HeinCites

________________________________________________ Illegal Sex Discrimination or Permissible Customer Preference? Refusal to Hire and Employ Male Gynecologists: A Legal Research Guide “This new publication from Hein is the latest title in the Legal Research Guide Series. Professor Amy Stein provides researchers with a starting point to help determine when the occupational qualification…


“A Wise old Man and a Wise old Woman Reach the Same Conclusion”

“As Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg observed: ‘In working as a lawyer, law teacher, and now judge, I have discerned no distinctive male or female styles of thinking or writing. And I agree with Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Jeanne Coyne, who said, when asked whether women judges decide cases…


American Libraries Direct – March 12, 2008

News from ALA and the world of libraries: New York librarian becomes embedded journalist in Iraq “Twice in the past two years, librarian Shelby Monroe persuaded the 101st Airborne Division to let her be an embedded war correspondent and blogger. In those articles and accompanying photographs, she tries to capture…


Emerging Library Leaders for the 21st Century

The Dominican University Graduate School of Library and Information Science at River Forest, Illinois (near Chicago) has been conducting a series of innovative workshops on this topic, including the following: March 17, 2008: 4-6pm “Get a Voice: Why Writing, Blogging and Speaking Out Are Crucial to Advancing Your LIS Career”…


Q&A Head of Technical Services in a Law Library, What’s In Your Job Description

QUESTION: I am interested in finding out the types of assignments that other Heads of Tech Services (or equivalent titles) are responsible for, besides just running the tech services dept. I’m wondering if there is a future for those of us in this position. Is this position part of the…


Routledge Library Newsletter

From: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group Welcome to the second issue of the Routledge Library Newsletter! The aim of the Newsletter is to provide you with the latest news about all our products including reference books, eBooks, online products, and major works. We want this Newsletter to be an interesting…


New York Governor Eliot Spitzer Resigns

NEW YORK (AP) – Gov. Eliot Spitzer announced Wednesday that he is resigning, completing a spectacular fall from power for a politician whose once-promising career imploded amid allegations that he paid thousands of dollars for high-end prostitutes. “I look at my time as governor with a sense of what might…


Tammy Raum’s Internet Research Tips – NY State Administrative Code’s Print and Online Editions Contain Important Variations for Evidence!

Tammy Raum is: Senior Research Librarian, New York City Law Dept. Library and may be contacted at: Research Information for State Administrative Code: NYCRR and Litigation Protocol Consultation of the complete unofficial New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) is now available on a complimentary basis on the New…


Manhattan U.S. Attorney Charges Organizers and Managers of International Prostitution Ring

“more than $1 million in alleged prostitution proceeds laundered through two front accounts. For additional information click on links below to the Press Release and the Complaint Press Release To view the Emperors Club complaint, U.S. v Mark Brener et. al. click here.

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