
Criminal Law Library Blog


Torture’s Paper Trail

Source: FindLaw Legal News and Commentary. By JOANNE MARINER, Terrorism and Counterrorism Director at Human Rights Watch. —- Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2007 Last week, the New York Times published a front-page article describing two legal memoranda issued secretly by the Bush Administration in 2005 that purported to provide guidance regarding…


Internet Inventor Says It Works Like a Charm

Recently a number of articles devoted to the history of technology and the internet have been published. Given the significant developments in these areas over the past 20+ years and the societal demands which continue to drive further research and development it is certainly appropriate to take some time to…


Internet Evolution: Don’t Fight the New Wave of Digital Content

Does access to social networking, video sharing, and other new media online capabilities mean wasted time, lost productivity, and possibly security concerns or are there legitimate business reasons to include them on organization web sites? Many of us are encountering these and related issues in our own organizations. Stacey Peterson,…


State of New York: Bench and Bar Respond to Judicial Pay Deadlock

The following was received from the New York Law Journal. We appreciate their efforts in compiling this material: October 12, 2007 Editor’s Note: As the Law Journal receives commentary from sitting judges and members of the bar on the fallout from the lack of compromise in the state’s budget on…


Selected U.S. Federal Documents Received 10-12-07

10/11/2007″ Remarks of Federal Reserve Board Governor Randall Kroszner at the National Bankers Association 80th Annual Convention” Remarks of Federal Reserve Board Governor Kroszner 10/11/2007 Final Monthly Treasury Statement (PDF 519 KB) “Final Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the United States Government as Released by the Department…


Researchers: Hackers Could Affect Presidential Election

Source: Washkuch, Frank Jr., “Researchers: Hackers Could Affect Presidential Election”, SC Magazine Newswire. October 9, 2007. BY Frank Washkuch Jr. Hackers could affect next year’s presidential election by using keyloggers, phishing messages or hacking, researchers said this week. Attackers could also usher in a high-tech version of voter harassment, using…


The Scitech Lawyer

Volume 6 Issue 2 FALL 2007 Section of Science & Technology Law American Bar Association The SciTech Lawyer is published quarterly as a service to the members of the Section of Science & Technology Law of the American Bar Association. It endeavors to provide information about current deevelopments in law,…


Court Demeanor: The Theatre of the Courtroom

A recent paper very useful to all who are involved with the courts and the judiciary. The Abstract appears below: LAURIE L. LEVENSON Loyola Law School Los Angeles ——————————————————————————– Minnesota Law Review, Forthcoming Loyola-LA Legal Studies Paper No. 2007-30 Abstract: The American criminal courtroom is a theater where courtroom actors…

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