
Criminal Law Library Blog


December 2007 Content Release of HeinOnline

December 2007 Content Release The December 2007 content release added 1.4 million pages of legal information to our collections, bringing the total number of pages in HeinOnline to more than 33 million. Below are descriptions of the more prominent content that was released. Law Journal Library Trends in Law Library…


Wisconsin State Law Library Newsletter – January 2008

The January issue of WSLL @ Your Service has been published at In this issue: * State Law Library Catalog Debuts New Look, New Features * Using the New “Preferred Search” Feature of the Catalog * Got Milk? How About a Library Card? * This Just In… “New Titles”…


Recent Publication Announcements Received

The following are some of the recent publication announcements received by the New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library: ABA PUBLISHING Leadership for Lawyers, Second Edition By Herb Rubenstein Enhance your leadership skills this year! This new book explains various theories of leadership, provides practical advice on how to become…


Final Report: Library of Congress Working Group on Bibliographic Control

This posting includes the Executive Summary followed by a link to the full text of the Final Report: “The Working Group hopes that this Report is viewed as a ‘call to action’ that informs and broadens participation in discussion and debate, conveys a sense of urgency, stimulates collaboration, and catalyzes…


Q&A: Blog Policy

QUESTION: If anyone has a blog policy they wish to share, we would appreciate it. Thanks. RESPONSES: Although not policy, here is an excerpt of some pertinent guidelines from Alaska: Personnel Rule C10.03 provides in pertinent part: No employee of the Alaska Court System may directly or indirectly: * *…


News from American Libraries Direct

Here are some highlights from the January 3, 2008 issue of American LibrariesDirect. National Film Registry selections for 2007 Librarian of Congress James H. Billington on December 27 named 25 motion pictures-classics from every era of American filmmaking-to the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress, including Bullitt, Close…


2007 End of Year Report on the Federal Judiciary

The following is an excerpt followed by a link to the actual document: “…Americans should take enormous pride in our judicial system. But there is no cause for complacency. Our judicial system inspires the world because of the commitment of each new generation of judges who build upon the vision…


The Prennial Issue: Library Funding

The following is a question regarding alternative approaches to library funding and a summary of responses to that question. QUESTION “The perennial issue – law library funding. Beyond civil filing fees, has any law library tried other avenues for funding, for example, a portion of the attorney registration fee, or…


ABA Journal Weekly Newsletter Highlights

Top Ten Stories in January 4, 2008 issue: Lawyer Pay Good-Looking Lawyers Make More Money, Researcher Says Jan 2, 2008, 08:31 am CST “A researcher studying the impact of beauty has found that good-looking lawyers–like other professionals–make more money than their colleagues with lesser looks. Economist Daniel Hamermesh of the…

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