
Criminal Law Library Blog


Should the Web Be Changed From WWW to GGG (Giant Global Graph) ?

David Badertscher “Why we need to move from thinking about Web pages to thinking about the information on those pages.” The above quote and link refer to a recent posting by Joab Jackson in which he discusses an idea recently put forward in a posting by the “father of…


Changes to Federal Civil and Judicial Procedure and Rules

As many of you already know, significant changes, both stylistic and substantive, are being made to the federal judicial procedure and rules. We understand these changes will become effective on December 1. Recently we have received some e-mails from the publisher Thomson West alerting us to the changes and providing…


Six Techniques to Get More from the Web than Google Will Tell You

The following is from an article by Margaret Locher, published in the November 26, 2007 issue of CIO Insider. We especially call your attention to item 2 where she discusses the importance and usefulness of blogs in research: ________________________ Professional librarians and researchers will tell you that the Web has…


New York Times: 100 Most Notable Books of 2007

100 Notable Books of the Year The Book Review has selected this list from books reviewed since the Holiday Books issue of Dec. 3, 2006. Fiction & Poetry THE ABSTINENCE TEACHER. By Tom Perrotta. (St. Martin’s, $24.95.) In this new novel by the author of “Little Children,” a sex-ed teacher…


Sharing, Privacy and Trust in Our Networked World

As part of its mission, OCLC a worldwide library cooperative prepares in depth studies and topical surveys of issues and trends of interest and concern to all types of libraries, including law libraries. One of their latest reports addresses the topic of sharing, privacy and trust in our networked world…


A Group of Internet and Media Companies Push for Principles Regarding User Generated Services to Protect Copyrights

On October 18, 2007 a coalition of major media and technology companies released a set of guidelines designed to halt online piracy. Media companies involved include CBS, NewsCorp, Fox Enertainment Group, NBC Universal, Viacom Disney, and MySpace. Google was notable absent from the list. A You Tube spokesperson who asked…


2007 Annual Report of the New York State Commission on Judical Conduct

The 2007 Annual Report of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct was released last Thursday. In his article in the November 19, 2007 New York Law Journal Daniel Wise writes that the Commission ” opened more investigations in 2006 [the year covered by the Annual Reporrt] and had…


Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control

With the expanding variety of formats required for effective storage and retrieval of information in libraries coupled with the rising level of expectations of patrons, the future of bibliographic control is of utmost concern for all types of libraries. The following material from the Library Journal Academic Newswire for November…

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