
Criminal Law Library Blog


Q & A: Preemploymenrt Background Checks in Courts

QUESTION ” I was curious about what courts are doing regarding preemployment background checks. Are courts systems obtaining fingerprints of new hires and running the background checks? For all jobs? We currently do it for judges and magistrates, but not routinely for court clerks or deputy clerk positions. Thanks.” ANSWER…


Information Organization Future for Libraries

Library Technology Reports 43:6 2007 By Brad Eden Excerpts from ALA TechSource publication announcment: “As library technologists and librarians are well aware, since the advent of the Internet, the relationship between the user and his/her library has changed”. “In a world of quick-and-easy search engines and of online social networks-in…


U.S. Legislative Update from GalleryWatch 12/14/2007

Basil Tilmon of GalleryWatch in Washington, D.C. prepares informative and sometimes enertaining updates of the comings and goings in the Washington legislative world. Here are exerpts from his update for the week ending December 14: The omnibus appropriations bill is still in limbo as both the House and Senate on…


Senator George Mitchell’s Report on Performance Enhancement Drugs in Major League Baseball

Former senator George Mitchell released his Report on Performance Enhancing Drugs in Major League Baseball on Thursday December 13, 2007. Here is an excerpt from a news release on the Major League Baseball (MLB) website: ” — Former Sen. George Mitchell said on Thursday that performance-enhancing drug use has been…


December Newsletter for the Wisconsin State Law Library Now Available

Wsll @ Your Service, an E-publication of the Wisconsin State Law Library is now available. It contains an interesting variety of news under heading such as: What’s New, This Just in, Tech Tip in Brief, Learn @ the Law Library, and Odds & Endings. Those who are concerned about the…


Audio Conference: Best Practices for Businesses Exploring, Exploiting, and Expanding in Web 2.0

Pike & Fischer Audio Conference Best Practices for Businesses Exploring, Exploiting, and Expanding in Web 2.0 An interactive audio event Tuesday, January 15th, 2008 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET This audio conference, co-sponsored by Pike & Fischer and the ABA’s Section of Science & Technology Law, is a first-of-its-kind opportunity for attorneys…


New Jersey Nears Repeal of Death Penalty

The New Jersey Senate voted Monday December 10 to make the state the first in the country to repeal the death penalty since 1976, when the United States Supreme Court set guidelines for the nation’s current system of capital punishment. Legislators on both sides of the debate said they expected…


White Paper: Impact of Cybercrime on Your Organization

This white paper explores the emerging crimeware industry, examining web based techniques and methods being used to perpetuate cybercrime, with a focus on the business impact of these attacks. The paper also explores the benefits of real time content inspection technology as a possible solution to help secure enterprises frm…


RFID Chips in Your Magazines

“Who’s reading magazines and how do they flip through the pages? One research company is using RFID technology to find out.” Question: What are the implications of this development, both positive and negative? Comments welcome. To read the complete article in the December 12, 2007 CIO Insider, click here.

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