
Criminal Law Library Blog


RFID Chips in Your Magazines

“Who’s reading magazines and how do they flip through the pages? One research company is using RFID technology to find out.” Question: What are the implications of this development, both positive and negative? Comments welcome. To read the complete article in the December 12, 2007 CIO Insider, click here.


Cataloging Westlaw Records: A Question of Access

STEVEN ESSIG Recently, Cassidy Cataloguing Services announced a partnership with Thomson-West that would make available to law school libraries MARC 21 cataloging records for Westlaw items. In the words of Cassidy’s Donna Rosinski-Kauz “The Cassidy-Westlaw MARC21 records collections will be an expansion of the very popular “WLX E-Treatise Collection,” which…


Blogging and Virtual Reference at the New York Supreme Court Criminal Law Library

BY: David G. Badertscher The New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library of New York County (sometimes referred to as the New York Criminal Law Library) is located in lower Manhattan near the Brooklyn Bridge, City Hall, and State andFederal courthouses. It is one of several Supreme Court libraries located…


2008 Baseline Crystal Ball for Technology

A look at what the technology in 2008 as predicted by members of the editorial staff of Baseline: 2008 Baseline Crystal Ball November 30, 2007 By Lawrence Walsh, Laton McCartney, Deborah Gage, Doug Bartholomew and Mel Duvall Lawrence M. Walsh, Editor Line of business managers and operations officers will wrestle…


Technology Triumphs and Travails of 2007

“A Look at the best and worst of the years Technology implementations and innovations” as reported by Douglas Bartholomew et. al. in the November 30, 2007 issue of Baseline: Triumphs and Travails of 2007 November 30, 2007 By Doug Bartholomew, David F. Carr, Ericka Chickowski, Mel Duvall, Deborah Gage, Laton…


Cataloguing Question: Classification of Collection in K and KF Range Instead of A – JZ and L – Z

All questions and answers will remain anonymous. QUESTION “I have had a request from our Reference Department, to classify as much of our collection as possible, in the K and KF range, instead of A-JZ and L-Z. This would make our collection more browser friendly. I’d like to know how…


ABA Publication: Global Climate Change and the U.S. Law

Global Climate Change and U.S. Law Michael B. Gerrard, editor “This is a spectacular book. Offering both impressive breadth and depth in its description and analysis, Global Climate Change and U.S. Law provides the legal community with an extraordinarily useful tool for understanding the wide ranging ways that current and…


Nominations for 2008 American Bar Association Justice Center John Marshall Award

The John Marshall Award was established to honor those dedicated to the improvement of the administration of justice. The 8th annual Award will be presented at the 2008 ABA Annual Meeting in New York, NY. For additional information on the Award and how to make a nomination, please visit the…


Results of American Association of Law Libraries Election for 2008

Monday, December 3, 2007 AALL Election Results This year we received 1597 ballots (33% of total dues paying members). Darcy Kirk, AALL Secretary, has just notified all the candidates running for office, so I am now pleased to announce the results of the AALL election for 2008. Vice President/President-Elect: (July…

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