
Criminal Law Library Blog


ABA Publications With a Focus on Practice Essentials

The Negotiator’s Fieldbook The Desk Reference for the Experienced Negotiator “Eighty contributing authors with varied practical and academic expertise provide a full range of new knowledge about negotiation. The Fieldbook pulls together in readable, short chapters the current insights, strategies and techniques in negotiation from law, psychology, business, economics, cultural…


Successful New Jersey Bar Candidates – July 1997

November 13, 2007 Successful Bar Candidates, July 2007 Of the 3,050 candidates who sat for the July 2006 New Jersey Bar Examination, 2,949 have been mailed their results. Of those, the 2,347 candidates listed here passed, comprising 79.5 percent To see the list of the successful candidates, click here. CONGRATULATIONS…


Legal Risks of Uncontrolled E-mail and Web Content

“Email’s ease of use, speed and scale of distribution make it an invaluable business tool. However, these same attributes can also cause severe difficulties for employers if employees’ use of email and internet is not controlled adequately. This white paper outlines email risks employers face and how to address them.”…


United States v. Bernard Kerik

Ex-NYPD Commissioner Indicted on Corruption, Tax Charges UNITED STATES V. BERNARD KERIK “(U.S. Dist. Ct., S.D.N.Y., Nov. 9, 2007) – Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik was indicted by a federal grand jury on a variety of corruption charges relating to his former position under ex-NYC Mayor Rudolph…


Correspondence Related to the Nomination of Michael Mukasey for U.S. Attorney General

The links below are to primary source documents from members of the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate to Judge Mukasey requesting clarification of his views. Documents included are from our subscription to GalleryWatch at 10/24/2007 Letter to Attorney General Nominee Michael Mukasey from Senate Judiciary Committe. (PDF 56…


American Law Institute (ALI) Elects 47 New Members

The folowing is from an American Law Institute Press Release: (Philadelphia) – “It is a great pleasure to welcome these distinguished and influential individuals to The American Law Institute,” said ALI President Michael Traynor. “Members are elected through a highly selective process that recognizes people for their significant professional achievements…


Review: Five Security Suites You May Not Know About

It seems everywhere we turn when it comes to information technology the topic sooner or later always turns to computer security. As mentioned below in this Review published on November 7, 2007 by InformationWeek, Norton and McAfee still dominate this field. The Review as posted consists of a major part…


ABA Publications: Focus on Criminal Law

Street Legal: A Guide to Pre-trial Criminal Procedure for Police, Prosecutors, and Defenders This book provides specific guidance on pre-trial criminal procedure of all sorts, and explains in understandable terms “what you can do and what you cannot do” under 4th Amendment search and seizure law. From traffic checkpoints and…


American Law Institute-American Bar Association (ALI-ABA) and SAI Global Form Strategic Alliance

Alliance Enhances Understanding and Management of Key Compliance and Legal Issues PHILADELPHIA, PA and PLAINSBORO, NJ, October 29, 2007. The American Law Institute-American Bar Association (ALI-ABA) and SAI Global have formed a strategic business alliance in a bid to help tens-of-thousands of business and legal professionals manage their legal and…


Northeast Regional Law Library Conference Proceedings

From Jim Garnet, Law Librarian U.S. Department of Justice National Place Library, November 2, 2007. I’ve seen this posted a couple of other places, but I don’t think it’s been on the LLAM listserv. I think the MP3 (audio) files are available for all of the programs, and the Powerpoints…

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