
Criminal Law Library Blog


Lois Ireland Profiled by SMR International

From an e:mail sent by Guy St. Clair. President and Consultation Specialist for Knowledge Services at SMR International: Legal Division members will be interested in reading about Lois Ireland, who is the subject of the current SMR International e-Profile. Ireland, Manager of the Corporate Information Resource Center (CIRC) at Freddie…


New on LLRX.Com for October 2007

The following are new articles and papers included in for October 2007: **Cultural Challenges in Cross Border Mediation Vikrant Singh Negi discusses how the role of cultural differences are crucial in cross border mediation. Although an individual’s nationality does not necessarily determine the attitudes and behavior brought to…


Library Journal Talks to the Author Don Bochert

Source: LJExpress,, October 30, 2007. By Norman Oder — Library Journal, 11/1/2007 Don Borchert, a library assistant 1 and 12-year employee of the Torrance Public Library, CA, has written a memoir of his library life, Free for All: Oddballs, Geeks, and Gangstas in the Public Library, coming November 13…


OCLC and European OCLC PICA Division Merge

Source: LJXpress, October 30, 2007. by Michael Rogers — Library Journal, 10/30/2007 6:52:00 AM OCLC October 22 announced that it and the European OCLC PICA division have merged into a single “global organization” under the OCLC brand. OCLC said that by “bringing together all offices under one name and identity,…


GalleryWatch Weekly Update

BY Basil Tilmon, Account Manager GalleryWatch Inc. This Week – Thursday afternoon, October 25 The week featured an interesting cyclical pattern – after a turbulent week of an attempted veto over-ride and floor ranting, this week was relatively conciliatory. Veto threats however loom over much of what Congress is doing,…


Selected U.S. Federal Documents – Blackwater

The following are some recent letters, memoranda and other correspondence in regard to the contractor, Blackwater: Letter to Blackwater CEO Erik Prince from House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Henry Waxman (PDF 360 KB) Letter Requests Further Information on Blackwater’s No-Bid Contracts, Additional Incidents Involving Their Personnel in Iraq, and…


Information Retrieval and Records Management: The 2007 Sedona Conference

Best Practices in Information Retrieval and Records Management: Analysis and Recommendations from the 2007 Sedona Conference By Steven Essig The Sedona Conference Journal, Volume 8, Fall 2007, includes much relevant commentary on possible best practices and other important concerns on effective information retrieval of legal documents. Issues raised range from…

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